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  1. hoppy2B

    Using ldme, and brew enhancers.

    You're doing a partial mash, so you are going to be doing a boil anyway. Best to boil everything to avoid infection.
  2. hoppy2B

    Dextrose vs White Sugar

    Some glad wrap or foil over the top would suffice.
  3. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    John Palmer's "How to Brew" is a good free online book for beginners. It outlines the process in an understandable fashion.
  4. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    You remove the grains and boil the liquid.
  5. hoppy2B

    Dextrose vs White Sugar

    A good point about personal preferences by MHB. Different yeast strains might give different results too. So the short answer is that it is something that one needs to experiment with. I've read that sugar will give an apple cider sort of flavour. I have also read that dextrose will increase...
  6. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    A couple of litres would be enough for that amount of grain. You could wrap the grain in something like a chux cleaning cloth or similar. They sell grain and hop bags fairly cheaply, for the purpose of steeping grain and hops. It depends on your process as to how much water you want to use. I...
  7. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    I went the dark crystal because you need less of it so it is easier to use, and I thought dark crystal was more typical of an ESB recipe.
  8. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    Most spec grains will probably give you extra body and better head retention. Even just a bit of ale malt mashed at the right temp would probably help. The commonest things to try would be anything with ''cara'' or ''crystal'' in the name. 50-100 grams of dark crystal steeped at 70 degrees for...
  9. hoppy2B

    Gluten free stout recipe

    Corn syrup would be the same as dextrose as far as I know. It is just a simple sugar that will ferment and provide alcohol without providing any body. Big W has it for $4 a kilo. Some brew shops have it cheaper. You could steep about 500 grams of rolled oats for body and mouthfeel. Normally...
  10. hoppy2B

    Gluten free stout recipe

    Extract or all grain? You could start with sorghum extract but I have no idea what is available for all grain brewing. You might need to sprout some maize or something. What sort of grains are available for steeping to give the desired colour? Roast barley has been charred to f*ck, does it...
  11. hoppy2B

    IPA and Porter recipes: steeping grain

    Yes, the water that you use for steeping the grains is boiled to kill any microbial life that might otherwise infect your brew. In practice, heating the brew to 80 degrees is probably enough. You should get some fullness from the steeped grains. You could always use a lower attenuating yeast...
  12. hoppy2B

    Voss Kveik

    I think it depends where you get it from Roosterboy. I was under the impression that the Voss Kveik from the Yeast Bay was a pure strain. There are a number of places in the US that have mixed strains, but not sure if the mixed strains are available commercially in OZ.
  13. hoppy2B

    Same recipe, bad head retention this time.

    A lower attenuating yeast strain might help with head retention. As Tricky Dicky is only on his second brew, an all extract, maybe something simple like steeping a little light crystal or some other spec grain will be the way to go without changing anything else.
  14. hoppy2B

    BIAB doubts small Biab

    Do you specifically want a 4 litre batch, or is that what you think you can get away with in your 7.6 Litre pot? There are things you could do to make a bigger batch than 4 litres.
  15. hoppy2B

    Big W 20 litre pot

    The thread says 20 litre pot, but I think we are talking about the 19 litre pot for $20 from Big W. Speaking from experience, even with the curved space under the lid it would be lucky to be 19 litres. It is big enough though, and the best value you will find anywhere for a stainless pot. Get...
  16. hoppy2B

    WLP002 yeast

    I usually rehydrate the yeast in some water I have boiled and cooled in a lab bottle. I know that there has been discussion of late as to whether rehydrating is necessary. Some brands may not need rehydrating. I don't think it makes a difference in the end, just takes slightly longer to ferment...
  17. hoppy2B

    WLP002 yeast

    I have found there are 3 basic things you can do to achieve a nice clear beer: Use Nottingham Ale yeast (easy to find); Dissolve half a teaspoon of gypsum in your water; and Warm the fermentor up at the end of fermentation to encourage the yeast to finish up.
  18. hoppy2B

    looking for NEIPA hop suggestions

    The best advice I can give you would be to grow some Victoria hops at home. They have much more flavour than Cascade and work well no-chill in a NEIPA. They do need some ageing to clean up the flavour, but the same can be said of Cascade. I have never had much luck no-chilling pellets, if that...
  19. hoppy2B

    Mould in brew, any chance of saving ?

    I'm with the others, I don't think it is mould. Mould would be furry looking.
  20. hoppy2B

    Mould in brew, any chance of saving ?

    Can you take a picture for us CasualNerd?