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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. hoppy2B

    A stolen idea.

    Correction, those temperatures came from Britannica. com Yeah, sorry to hear about your wife weal.
  2. hoppy2B

    A stolen idea.

    The re-hydration temps for dry yeast are usually something like 35 degrees C. I assume the manufacturer has done testing and knows what they're talking about. But contrary to what is written on the packaging, I have used dry wine yeast from a packet that was opened years earlier, was not stored...
  3. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    If you have a Diggers garden shop check them. A couple of years ago when I visited the Diggers shop in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens, I did find Cascade plants in small pots at $15 each. Bunnings have also been known to carry them. These won't be in till the growing season is underway though.
  4. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    I don't remember who I voted for. It may have been Pauline Hanson and her mob. I love her because she is a patriotic Ostrayan and she loves Ostraya :rolleyes:
  5. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    I prefer to refer to him as Scumbo. I'm fed up with politicians :p
  6. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    Maybe it got deleted because politics isn't allowed on the forum or something like that. :eek:
  7. hoppy2B

    How to sweeten an ESB

    Simplest thing would be to use a different yeast. Wy1318 will leave a bit more body and sweetness, and I think it is a good yeast for an ESB. It highlights the crystal malt well and gives a bitey edge to your beer in combination with the crystal malt, which is what a nicely aged ESB should have...
  8. hoppy2B

    munich classic for witbier

    Actually, I just noticed that you are in Singapore and might not have access to the White Rabbit. :eek:
  9. hoppy2B

    munich classic for witbier

    If you are keen on making a Wit I recommend getting a stubby of White Rabbit White Ale and culturing the yeast from that. It is very similar to Hoegaarden. You should be ok to leave the Munich Classic in the fridge for a few months. Just make a starter with it when you finally get around to...
  10. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    Ok, I just checked how it's written in the US and they use a dot after the v. So a typical case would be written: Kramer v. Kramer That would have a reference number and year following etc. Google says the "v." means versus, but I am not sure how they pronounce it.
  11. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    That is an American case. Off the top of my head I couldn't tell you how they write the name of their cases, maybe it's with a "vs". If I was acting for the Crown in Australia and I wanted to prosecute you because you dare to question my authoritah, it would be written: R v Wide Eyed and...
  12. hoppy2B

    My KK vs KL post was deleted - Why KK is not allowed here

    I believe that in legal battles it is written KK v KL. The "v" is pronounced "and". :D
  13. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    Hi Simo, I left a message on your profile page.
  14. hoppy2B

    Young Henrys Porter (motorcycle oil)

    I've not tasted it so don't know how sweet it is or what kind of hops might be in it. Reviews say it has a mild bitterness, so you might want to stick with something like Carafa or Midnight Wheat as a steeping grain. And the hops are citrusy and piney, so some American style hops as a late...
  15. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    I could probably mail some to you if you're interested Qualia. I have Cascade, Victoria and Cluster. Let me know if you want some. Cheers
  16. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    You should be able to get about 450 grams from a single Cascade rhizome in its first season as long as you give it enough water and string up all the bines it puts out. You just need enough overhead support for all the strings, and you need a bit of room around each string so that sunlight can...
  17. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    Don't know if there is any way to ensure maximum freshness. For flavour I find they don't need to be super fresh. They need extra drying to reduce likelihood of off flavours. IBUs seem to drop before flavour does for me in storage. I put them through the blender just before chucking them into...
  18. hoppy2B

    The NEIPA thread

    One thought I have on that as well, is that maybe people are picking their hops too early before they are fully ripe.
  19. hoppy2B

    Imperial yeast rustic ?

    That doesn't sound too bad. People on other forums which I checked, were saying it was best consumed fresh. Looks like a good yeast to use if one is in a hurry.
  20. hoppy2B

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    What state are you in? I dug some up a few days ago. Was planning to put them on gumtree for local pickup. I'm in Adelaide. Someone on the buy/sell thread was selling. I don't think there is an advantage to planting crowns. Just dig a hole, chuck in 20 litres of sheep manure, plant rhizome(s)...