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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. hoppy2B


    OK, I will drop the price to $10 for 100 grams for everyone ordering 200 grams or more through this site. Check your inbox, I'll message you details for PayPal. Let me know if you prefer to do a bank deposit. I'd like to get these into the mail today for you. Cheers
  2. hoppy2B


    Awesome, I have 30 varieties of tomatoes started for this season, and I grow chillies as well. Actually, growing some extra Kracanup and selling the cones through here would be a good way to get some reviews up online. I think it is a great hop. If you're using as much hops as you say, you...
  3. hoppy2B


    As far as I am aware hops are grown by homebrewers in Brisbane without any problems. If you look back at the 'Show us your hop garden' threads, many on this site have grown them and done well. If you're keen go for it.
  4. hoppy2B


    Good drainage, lots of water, and string to climb on. It's pretty easy.
  5. hoppy2B


    Hi Kadmium, That is a tough question. I would actually describe Kracanup as being not similar to other varieties. I know that there are not many reviews online because it is a relative newcomer to the list of available varieties for the home grower. The only way I can describe the flavour is...
  6. hoppy2B


    Greetings everyone, I have about 1 kilogram of clean Kracanup rhizome ready to go. By clean, I mean it is pure rhizome with no dead weight on it. My standard price is $15 for 100 grams, or $50 for 500 grams. WHAT IS KRACANUP LIKE? I grow 3 varieties, Kracanup, Cascade, and Victoria. Those of...
  7. hoppy2B

    2019 Hop Plantations

    Check the Kracanup hops facebook page. They should have some in pots.
  8. hoppy2B

    Hop rhizome southern WA

    Kracanup is a pretty good variety. I'm on my second season growing it.
  9. hoppy2B

    Spitfire recipe

    About 150 grams should do it.
  10. hoppy2B

    Spitfire recipe

    No worries. If it turns out too bitter, try the lager can next time if you do it again. The lager can has a lower level of bittering. You need to keep in mind that making the can up to a lower volume will bump the bitterness up.
  11. hoppy2B

    Spitfire recipe

    Hi Mick, I usually leave stuff for a couple of weeks before I bottle. As long as you are sure it has finished fermenting it should be ok to bottle. ESB is normally aged, but you can taste it earlier and drink it as a mild if you like it fresh. S-04 takes about 6 weeks to clean up in the...
  12. hoppy2B

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    No sparge.
  13. hoppy2B

    Dr. Smurto's Golden Ale

    Thanks for that Mark. When I say steep I usually mean to heat the water to 70 degrees Celsius and put the bag of grain in. Mashing is essentially steeping at a specific temperature. If I had meant cold steep I would have said so. It's difficult to know what sort of detail to go into for...
  14. hoppy2B

    Dr. Smurto's Golden Ale

    Actually, I just had another look at the recipe. I'd recommend just using an original series lager can and a can of wheat extract with steeping grains as above, and doing all but the 60 minute hop addition. That should give you the right IBUs.
  15. hoppy2B

    Dr. Smurto's Golden Ale

    The Australian Pale Ale should have close to the right amount of IBU. Steep 250 gams of light crystal, add the above can and a can of light wheat malt, and you should be pretty close. An alternative to steeping the light crystal would be to steep the Munich and Caramunich listed in the all...
  16. hoppy2B

    Spitfire recipe

    Get a 19 litre pot from BigW and a handheld electronic thermometer, both about $20. Heat 12.5 litres of rain water or filtered water to 70 degrees Celsius in the pot. Place a small grain bag containing the following into the pot and steep for a half to an hour: 100 grams TF or Bairds dark...
  17. hoppy2B

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    Just don't drool into the ferment vessel :D
  18. hoppy2B

    Chinook hop trimming

    I wouldn't cut anything off a newly planted rhizome just to be safe. Train as many bines up string as you can in the first season. I think it is recommended to cut back the early bines in established hop yards to create an even emergence of bines. It's not really necessary to do that in a...
  19. hoppy2B

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    I just did an ESB a couple of days ago as follows: 1000 grams Joe White Signature Ale 3000 grams raw wheat (Scout variety) coarse flour 100 grams dark crystal 100 grams Bairds brown malt 20 grams roast barley About 70 grams of Dwarf (tetraploid) Cluster for bittering 200 grams (sifted down to...
  20. hoppy2B

    Spitfire recipe

    Hi Mick, Are you after an all grain recipe or an extract recipe?