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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    WTB 150 to 300 litre 3V brew rig

    Craig, 300L? Is it possible you have a drinking problem?
  2. L

    Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy - March 2014

    True, but the thread is called Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy - March 2014. A new thread called Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy - Sept 2014 would have made it clearer that there was a new bulk buy underway. Not that I'm complaining mind you, just a suggestion to get a few more people involved, if that's...
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    Melbourne: Grain Bulk Buy - March 2014

    At the risk of upsetting people now that we're all friends again... Is there a reason that the full pint guys didn't start a new thread in the bulk buy section advertising the bulk buy and directing punters across to your web site? I only clicked this thread as i had a bit of time to kill and...
  4. L

    How Do I Open 50L Kegs

    now that you have them open can you work out how to open the D type without wrecking it?
  5. L

    E-Brewery Controller EBC II-D, Someone in AUS build these please!

    Online brewing suppies do make something like that for about half the cost, the HERMIT Controler. Sure it only has one PID and can only run one pump but why would you need a PID controler for the HLT? You can heat your strike water up to desired temp in your mash tun before doughing in useing...
  6. L

    Brewery now open.....or not.

    The old man gets he's kegs filled by a place called Brew for You in Geelong. When he started going there is was called You brew and you had to do the brewing yourself, now, new owners and new name and they rather you place your order over the phone and drop off your kegs to be filled. Not sure...
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    $599 Kegerator including 4L/2.6kg Co2 bottle: Too good to be true

    Not hateing, just some friendly advice. "drink now for tomorrow there may be work, wife and kids." I'm still kept awake at night regretting all the time i wasted drinking Kit and Kilo abominations when i had all the time and the constitution to drink vast amounts quality home crafted beer.
  8. L

    $599 Kegerator including 4L/2.6kg Co2 bottle: Too good to be true

    So the plan is to really get stuck into the drinking once you finish uni and start work? mmmmmm
  9. L

    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    So i had the worst brew day yesterday, many problems! It was my first go at a HERMS arrangement, my day went like this... Fill the mash tun with water, pump it through the heat exchanger and back into the mash tun via a sparge arm ( As a side note I fond the gentle babbling of the strike...
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    MELB: giveaway- rotating sparge arm, yeast vials, coopers longnecks

    I'd like to be next in line if Helles falls through on the sparge arm I'm just around the corner in ascot vale so pick up is no drama Cheers Luke
  11. L

    near melbourne try my beer :)

    If your really interested Dolphin brewery in Daylesford runs a weekend course in setting up a micro brewery. He brews on a 50 L system and sells his beers at farmers markets the area. Just don't ask him to show you how to make beer, if he's Dolphin Best Bitter Ale is anything to go by he has...
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    near melbourne try my beer :)

    Good to hear you've got your beer on tap Vittorio. Just curious as to why you decided to go for a lighter abv beer? I have started mucking around with the lower alcohol beers, but I am old a responsible now. When i was a younger man drinking at bars in the city or backpacking around I would...
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    FS: Grain Storage Barrels Melbourne (Eastern Suburbs)

    I'll grab a couple, i could grab them Friday arvo or Saturday. Would they fit in the back seat of a commodore or will i need a trailer? Cheers
  14. L

    For Sale: Complete AG Home Brewing Kit

    G'day Mate Ill take the 9L keg and one of the Immersion Heaters provided its 10 amp. I can pick up Cheers
  15. L

    Vienna with saaz

    I've never heard of a Czech polotmave so I googled it and found this website It describes a beer called Czech Polotmave Lezak, Lezak means a beer of a gravity of 1.044-48. I'll be buggered if I know what language they speak...
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    Vienna with saaz

    I like the sound of that
  17. L

    Vienna with saaz

    So as the title suggests... Ive got some left over Munich and Pils malt plus a shitload of home grown Saaz. I was thinking of getting some Vienna Malt and making a Vienna Lager. Main aim here is to use up the hops and older malts whilst growing up a nice healthy batch of yeast to have a bit...
  18. L

    When would you give up on a saison stalled at 1.014?

    well before heating up the strike water!