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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Will This Taste Like Cider

    My misses has decided that she likes this cider with ginger in it and as it happened i had a 5 litre starter (bohemian pils) sitting on the kitchen table. So i shot off to the supermarket and brought 6 litres of preservative free apple juice and tipped the it in on top of a about an inch of the...
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    I live in Ascot Vale and our local council (Moonee Vally) does these open garden things where you go and check out local gardens, they all have bee hives. i doubt the council would be encouraging us to get a bee hive if it was so dangerous. Also honey in coffee instead of sugar, delicious!
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    Infected Beer?

    Well we can all relax (including me) i have distilled the advice from all parties, once again many thanks. I have bottled 20 L and the other 20 L has gone into a keg, the beer in the bottles has been primed the beer in the keg hasn't yet, I'll wait another month before i prime the keg. In...
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    Infected Beer?

    Good work fella's, i can always rely on the Aussie Home Brewers to come to the rescue! So i have tasted it and smelt it, both fine (actually tastes pretty good, nice malty and rich). But i am very worried about the white film thats starting to form on the surface, so my plan is to bottle it...
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    Infected Beer?

    Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen I have been brewing an Octoberfest style beer, taking advantage of the cold temps for the lagering. However after about 4 weeks in the fermenter the beer seems to have developed a thin film across the surface and i am very worried i may have an infection! This...
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    Sharing A Coil Of Copper - Diy Heat Exchanger

    G'day Wolfy I could use that 9 meters of copper if your looking at getting it off your hands. Let me know what you want for it. Cheers Luke
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    My Gravity Is Too High

    Ok, so i did my first AG brew on friday and I took my gravity reading from the kettle once it had boiled for an hour. I was disappointed to find that my gravity was way lower than i was expecting, 1038 instead of 1052, so i added some old left over malt to get the gravity closer to my target. I...
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    Questions About First Ag Brew

    I used a Hydrometer and what the hell is a temperature adjustment?? The recipe was from Beer Smith, the computer program, it worked of a 70% efficiency
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    Questions About First Ag Brew

    It want at 90 for very long, maybe 3 or 4 mins... not sure The malt extract is probably about 3 or 4 months old Finally I have no idea how much went into the boil i would guess around 22 litres
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    Questions About First Ag Brew

    Wow, that was a lot of responses a lot sooner than i was expecting, thanks guys. Ok just to make it clear, yes I did have the middle vessel on the heat, a mistake I realise that now. I do have the middle keg insulated but i didn't have much faith in it retaining the heat for 75 mins so I had...
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    Questions About First Ag Brew

    G'day all So after spending hours reading articles on this website i finally took the plunge and had a crack at an all grain brew. Spend a bit of time converting three old 50 L kegs in to a brew rig and today I fired it up, it all seemed to go pretty well but i missed my post boil gravity by a...