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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    No worries, I have half a dozen chinook left in anyone interested. PM for details.
  2. M

    March Pumps....all They're Cracked Up To Be?

    Remember also that they dont self-prime so you need a tap in your HLT to flood the magetic drive, therefore, in my case (BIAB) making the pump pointless. I bought one, tried it once, realised that this was the case and sold it.
  3. M

    Queenstown Beer?

    Theres a fantastic micro in queenstown (the ducks guts, or do duck inn or something like that), they do a taster tray of about 8 of their own beers, some brewed on site, others under licence. The barmen/women know their beers if you delve deeper than the standard " what tastes like vb/tooheys...
  4. M

    Has James Squire Ruined The Golden Ale?

    Mate of mine only today said that he succumbed (well ran out of home brewed beer) and actually bought beer, JSGA on special for $50 a case, and said it tasted metallic. He was very disappointed after having brewed AG successfully for the past 3 years. Coincidence that they are on special, I...
  5. M

    Yeast Reusing Options

    Go with the easiest option, Number 2, has worked for me for years.
  6. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    yeah mate plenty of chinook, PM me
  7. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    PM sent to you
  8. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    Chinook left if anybody is keen. Again, make me an offer!
  9. M

    $120 For A Crowny?

    I'd say you missed the decimal place and they are all trendily quoted as $12.0. Even then I wouldn't pay more than about $6 for one.
  10. M

    Goldings Rhizomes For Sale

    Sorry shortstraw goldings has gone to snooze. I replied to you a few minutes ago, but for the benefit of everyone else I'll post publicly. I still have POR, chinook and two tettnang left if anyone is interested. Make me an offer. Gil.
  11. M

    Goldings Rhizomes For Sale

    anyone for the second goldings rhizome?
  12. M

    Goldings Rhizomes For Sale

    Thats the big one sold to jlm.
  13. M

    Goldings Rhizomes For Sale

    Hi all, I have two goldings rhizomes for sale. One is about 40cms long with roots and white nodes aplenty. The other is about 15cms long but is thicker and has plenty of nodes. Goldings are fairly prolific as I got about 400grams of dried flowers off two rhizomes in the first year. I am...
  14. M

    Force Carbonating Kegs V's Natural Carbonation.

    Put your cold fermented "beer" into a keg, connect to gas and turn reg up to 60psi and shake for 75 seconds. After an hour or two, purge to serving pressure and enjoy the nectar. Never not worked for me. Even gone grain to brain in 4 days using this method.
  15. M

    Re-using Yeast

    Chuck it in mate, it should be fine. I have been using yeast slurry for a few years now with no problems. As long as you put it in a jar fresh and keep it in the fridge for no longer than a few weeks it'll be fine. Anywhere between 200-400mls will have you bubblin in hours.
  16. M

    Anyone Foermented In 20l Willow Containers?

    Used 'em for 10 years with no probs. Soak in napisan for 24 hours to clean all the nasties out.
  17. M

    1st Choice Liquor Sneaky Trick

    Along the same lines I managed to get a box of imported Kronenbourg 1664 from uncle dans in canberra for $20. It was used by this month but to their credit they acknowledged this and had a taste test for those who were a bit sketchy about the fresness or otherwise of the product. Tasted fine...
  18. M

    Weyermann V White Pils

    95% of brewers could not tell the difference in a blind taste test. If they can, is it 30% better in taste as it is in price?
  19. M

    Adding Old Yeast To Hot Liquor

    My lhbs owner gave me some packets of out of date yeast and told me to add one to the boil as it would provide nutrients for the fresh yeast to be pitched after cooling. Not that I dont believe him, but I was just wondering if this is the case and has anybody else heard of this or done it. I...
  20. M

    Drip Tray's For Sale

    Got mine today! Very happy with the product, the price and the service.