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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Brewing Mid Strength

    Both will be fine...drink them up
  2. M

    Chang Beer

    I believe that it is imported from Thailand, not brewed under licence.
  3. M

    Chang Beer

    Had a few of these over the last few weeks. For a Thai bland, inoffensive lager it is surprisingly good...and only $40 per box from a large supermarket chain who claim they are keeping it at this price for good! Better then all the euro lagers I reckon. Anyone think the same....different...
  4. M

    Too Many Hops, Anybody Wanna Swap?

    PM sent, alternatively I have pooploads of cascade, chinook, goldings and POR rhizomes if you would like to grow your own.
  5. M

    Free To Good Home

    Hammo7 got the lot
  6. M

    Free To Good Home

    Not leaving the brotherhood mate, just moving house/kegging/biabing/raising small kids/struggling with fat mortgage/cranky missus/too much beer/more beer/another recipe/growing hops oh god did I say that or just think it! All becoming a blur..........
  7. M

    Free To Good Home

    60 clean crown seal coopers bottles 1 x bottle drain tree 1 x push down italian bottle rinser thingy 1 x bottle capper - the pull down both sides to crack the top off the long neck type 1 x bottle capper - the proper pull down one handle put the lid on type Take all items only - wont seperate...
  8. M

    My First Ag (biab) And Also My First Ever Brew!

    Another simple idea for a siphon is a 7- 800mm piece if copper hot water pipe (very cheap), bent into an L shape (preferably by a plumber to get the mandrel bend) connected to a metre or two of 10 or 12mm PVC pipe with an in line tap half way down it. Close the tap, fill the top half of PVC...
  9. M

    Transporting Kegs

    It wouldn't have to be pressurised if that was an issue.
  10. M

    Iodophor Sanitiser

    iodophor = best kept secret to lazy brewing....ever! Easy sanitizing corners left, right and centre. Bought 1 litre from ESB 5 years ago and have not had an infection problem since. (Well not in my beer anyway)
  11. M

    Home Brew Newbie ... Did I Get The Right Stuff?

    Speaking of slippery slope.....if I were you I'd skip learning and perfecting kit brewing and go straight to BIAB. Invest your time and money early and then you wont have to learn it all over again and curse yourself for not going straight for it in the first place. I believe a reasonable all...
  12. M

    Entire Brewing Set Up For Sale (sydney)

    If anyone was considering getting into BIAB, I'd say go for this set up. All you need to make awesome beer at a good price.
  13. M

    How Many Of Us Does This Describe?

    HFA - count me in!!!
  14. M

    Icebank Vs Fridge

    Dont know much about the ice bank but for $1300 I'd get a new big fridge so it could be used for other things as well...such as yeast starters, wine, soft drink etc. Dont punish me for having wine and soft drink in the beer fridge.
  15. M

    Hop Sock - Who Uses One?

    I personally reckon you dont get optimum results using a sock when compared to flowers directly in the wort boil. Haven't done any scientific experiments to prove this, just my observation. Gil.
  16. M

    Rain Water

    Been using rainwater for 10 years with no problems.
  17. M

    Lid For Rheem 19l Coke Keg

    Dont get me wrong guys I bought the kegs in great shape 8 years ago for $30- I wore the lid out, not the seller. The ALL GRAIN post thing seemed to happen by itself. Simmer posters!
  18. M

    Lid For Rheem 19l Coke Keg

    ...yeah thought as much. Thanks razz. Kind of ironic that I bought the kegs complete for $30 each and now you're tellin me a lid is $28.50 plus delivery! Like building a brand new car out of spare parts I spose.
  19. M

    Lid For Rheem 19l Coke Keg

    Anyone know where I can get a screw top lid or two for my old 19 litre coke kegs. The lid has rheem 304 inscribed on the inside and is about a 2 1/2 inch diameter lid with thread. The keg is the old style pinlock type. ......anyone???
  20. M

    Why Not Biab

    Why would I switch to something else? UMMMMM,.....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.......................mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Nup, cant think of any reasons at all. BIAB on brother. 100+ BIABS and I'm still fit, fat and it!!!!