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  1. jbowers

    Wanting To Start Out Some Ag, So Is This Worth It?

    Control in what part of the brewing process? Is it the further control over the boil itself that you are referring to? I can see how that would be the case - assuming that the thermostat is on/off rather than dimming...
  2. jbowers

    If Money Was No Object

    Probably a 20l Braumiester, an absolutely bitchin' plate chiller, and someone to clean it all for me.... I'm a simple man. As much as I enjoy tinkering with things - I find enough enjoyment with the recipe/brewing science side of things to sate that desire in this 'hobby'.
  3. jbowers

    Wanting To Start Out Some Ag, So Is This Worth It?

    I'm new to AG, but I was faced with a similar thing not long ago. My parents house, which is where I brew has a raging wok burner on the stove. If I had anything less, I'd have gone with an urn. If you have a really powerful stove or burner available to you, do that and buy a SS pot from the...
  4. jbowers

    Recipe For The Megaswill Masses?

    Also +1 for the American Wheat.
  5. jbowers

    A Solution For Shorter Keg Lines

    God I love homebrewers...
  6. jbowers

    Keg Guru Needed.

    If you want your carbonation to remain consistent, your serving pressure should be the same as your carbonation pressure. Other than that, the method looks fine. No idea what your carb level will be as you haven't told us the fridge temp, and that affects the level of carbonation that can be...
  7. jbowers

    Drinking Sierra Nevada Torpedo And Disappointed.

    Not talking about freshness/handling problems, was just referring to the beer. If there has become such a bias to hop forward styles that a good IPA can be seen as far superior to benchmark examples of classic styles, then that's a damn shame.
  8. jbowers

    Drinking Sierra Nevada Torpedo And Disappointed.

    Fervently disagree.
  9. jbowers

    Drinking Sierra Nevada Torpedo And Disappointed.

    Duvel?! Chimay?! Weihenstephaner?!!?
  10. jbowers

    Recipedb - Drsmurto's English Ipa

    Will be brewing this soon, once I finally get through the grain for my upcoming brews. If your landlord is anything to go by, I'm sure it's a cracker.
  11. jbowers

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    I get a ton of cascade in that along with the NS. Not sure it's the best 'showcase' of the hop.
  12. jbowers

    Aroma Sharing Between Headspace In Kegs

    ...meh I can easily prevent it through clever use of the line splitter on/off switches.... Would rather than than spending nearly $120 to fix a problem I don't really have...
  13. jbowers

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    Knappstein Lager, Brewdog Nelson Sauvin IPA, Kooinda Full Nelson Black IPA, Red Angus Pilsener, Emersons Pils (maybe some other hops too).... Should be able to find one of those!
  14. jbowers

    Aroma Sharing Between Headspace In Kegs

    I swore I got some light phenolic notes in my English Pale last night - but I had JUST finished a glass of my belgian single... Probably all in my head. Or my beer has become infected <_<
  15. jbowers

    Aroma Sharing Between Headspace In Kegs

    When I turn my valves off for a couple of days when going out, then come home and turn them back on, I sometimes hear gas being released when switching the second valve on. That has to mean gas is going from one to another. It's probably not going to affect the beer, but was just curious...
  16. jbowers

    Aroma Sharing Between Headspace In Kegs

    Probably the stupidest thought ever, but something that just occurred to me. When releasing the pressure from a keg, burping co2 etc, the aroma of the beer is clearly present in there. When using line splitters, that co2, and thus that aroma, can travel freely from one keg to another (unless...
  17. jbowers

    My Own Mini Craft Beer Festival For Xmas

    A quiet afternoon ahead of you... The kolsch and angry man are both good. You'll probably like them.
  18. jbowers

    My Own Mini Craft Beer Festival For Xmas

    Yeah, I did. Sorry. I think it's a really quality hefeweizen, and I suppose I was just reacting to the way you dismissed it without offering any justification or reasoning behind your opinion. Enough off topic. Sierra Nevada rule, get some. The torpedo is really good. I think all their beers...
  19. jbowers

    My Own Mini Craft Beer Festival For Xmas

    Phwoar... I was merely trying to show this poster that your assertion was contrary to the views held by the majority of beer enthusiasts.
  20. jbowers

    Basic All Grain Recipe Help Please

    I would like to think no chilling does add some bitterness. I have an entirely cube hopped IPA that is, whilst a little less bitter than anticipated, certainly not sweet.