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  1. jbowers

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    If you've got krausen, you've got fermentation. If you don't have visible krausen, you might still have fermentation. If you don't have bubbling in your airlock, your airlock isn't bubbling. In future, if you cant pop the smack pack (it took me ages the first time, need to be VERY firm), don't...
  2. jbowers

    Slowly Overcarbonating Keg

    Are your beers actually overcarbonated, or is there just foaming when you are trying to pour?
  3. jbowers

    Styrian Goldings

    Nah, got caught up with stuff and forgot to enter. Would have loved some feedback on it!
  4. jbowers

    Styrian Goldings

    Ah ok, that's good to know. That is pretty much exactly what I was hoping to hear. I assume it has something to do with the actual hops themselves being so close to the dip tube? Will try my best to leave it til sunday when hopefully it will be pouring clear!
  5. jbowers

    Styrian Goldings

    Right. I've had this experience with dry hopping in the keg before, its always resinous and super pungent on the nose for the first couple of days. Just didn't expect it from what I was thinking would be a 'subtle' hop at that dosage rate... Good to know that my dry hopping rate with this hop...
  6. jbowers

    Styrian Goldings

    Hey all, Have just dry hopped a keg of TTLL with 20g of Styrian (thought that was a safe amount to put in the keg...). It's turned it in to a resinous hop bomb! The aroma almost reminds me of something like simcoe or chinook in it's spicyness, but perhaps only because the types of beers ive...
  7. jbowers

    Vic: Wanting To Trade My Chest For An Upright Freezer Or Bar Fridge

    Don't mind the lift, tend to embrace exercise when I can get it. It's actually to try and get the clearest beer possible without filtering (have a filter, but it's a fair hassle, and I am not convinced im not getting oxidation issues). Cold crashing is negated slightly by having to lift it and...
  8. jbowers

    Vic: Wanting To Trade My Chest For An Upright Freezer Or Bar Fridge

    If it's a fridge, really just looking for the smallest possible one that will still hold a fermenter/2 jerrys.
  9. jbowers

    Vic: Wanting To Trade My Chest For An Upright Freezer Or Bar Fridge

    Hey all, Have a nice little Chesty, not too sure of the exact dimensions but is roughly a 'cube' kind of shape and will comfortably fit 4 kegs. Obviously willing to take pics/measure if people need more details. In return I'm after an upright freezer or a bar fridge capable of fitting a...
  10. jbowers

    Melbourne's 2012 Good Beer Week

    Will be heading to the Great Norther saturday arvo/night (and probably as often as possible) to drink feral beer to my hearts content. Also going to GABS on Sunday, psyched.
  11. jbowers

    Kits N Kegs

    I said to myself that once I started being able to make more good beer than bad beer, then I could justify buying a keg set up. That day has come (and judging from my last couple of batches, potentially gone) so I've now got a 4-keg 3-tap set up. It's great. Vastly prefer it to bottling, and...
  12. jbowers

    Wyeast 3787 (trappist High Gravity) In A Low Grav Beer?

    I brewed a 3% Belgian Single with this yeast as a starter for a tripel. Went really well. Better than the tripel, actually.
  13. jbowers

    Zywiec Porter

    Best value beer in Australia, IMO.
  14. jbowers

    Little Creatures Quiet American

    I really liked it. Balanced, impressive aroma with good balance between elements and ultimately, very drinkable.
  15. jbowers

    Homegrown Hop Aipa - Recipe Feedback & Will Us-05 Manage 1.071sg?

    At that OG i'd pitch 2 packs. 4 bucks extra to make sure the beer attenuates and has healthy yeast is a small price!
  16. jbowers

    Hop Freshness

    Maybe I just don't like Rakau or Amarillo very much then...
  17. jbowers

    Hop Freshness

    Nothing to disagree with there. I am talking about using 2010 crop hops in 2012. Regardless of good storage practices, I would wager that there is a definite drop in quality, yes?
  18. jbowers

    Hop Freshness

    I am finally realising something that perhaps I should have realised quite a while ago. The only time I seem to be able to make good hop-forward beers is when choosing hops based on freshness rather than sticking to a recipe, even if it means using 2010 crop hops for part of the hop bill...
  19. jbowers

    Long Primary Ferment Vs Primary And Secondary.

    If the fermentation is complete, any kind of splashing is a terrible idea. Personally, I never rack. I have never had any signs of autolysis, and so will probably never change this practice.
  20. jbowers

    Oak In A German Pilsner

    Why on earth would you oak a pils?