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  1. jbowers


    That's good advice about crash chilling - will keep that in mind. Am starting to understand why homebrewers often steer clear of lagers. My fridge actually broke shortly after fermentation commenced, so was at ambient Melbourne temperatures for about 8 days during ferment, which I think would...
  2. jbowers


    Hey all, I've recently kegged a FWK in the style of a check pils. Was fermented with s189 for 2 weeks, given a 4 day Diacetyl rest at 16 degrees, then cold crashed for about 2 weeks. It's developed reasonably prominent Diacetyl at some stage. I personally don't mind some diacetyl, but want to...
  3. jbowers

    Biere De Garde - Are There Any Available?

    Try Slowbeer or Purvis. 3 Monts and Gavroche are two examples that come to mind immediately. Bridge Rd also make one under their Chevalier label.
  4. jbowers

    5l Mini Kegs

    Plastic is fine for at least 6 months, in my experience. You can buy a cheap adapter which allows the tap-a-draft system to fit on to a mini keg instead of plastic bottle. This means if you had a beer you wished to age for a year or so, you could put it in a metal mini-keg sealed up with a bung...
  5. jbowers

    Fresh Wort Kits

    Have tried the Obama, Rock and Timber, London Porter and Belgian Pale. Of all those, the only one that wasnt amazing was the Rock and Timber (but I have heard they adjusted the recipe since then). The Obama in particular is really incredible! I dry hopped mine with Nelson Sauvin, and it was...
  6. jbowers

    5l Mini Kegs

    Look up tap-a-draft systems. Better, in my opinion.
  7. jbowers

    Brew To Bottle In 3 Weeks?

    If it were me, i'd do things differently. I'd ferment for 12 days, cold crash for 2-4, filter to keg and then bottle the day before the event. I like giving my yeast a chance to mop up any unwanted flavours in the primary. For a normal strength beer, 12 days is pretty safe assuming good yeast...
  8. jbowers

    Fat Yak - New Flavour?

    I agree it's very inconsistent. When I first tried it, mediocre. Has ranged from awful to very good since then. Would wager that a lot of that is due to the way venues handle their kegs and clean their equipment as per what Ross said. Tastes like mainly a cascade based beer with some sauvin up...
  9. jbowers

    Hargreaves Hill!

    It is structured much more like an APA than an ESB, I agree. I don't think I've tried it since it's changed to from Galaxy to Nelson Sauvin, will have to revisit!
  10. jbowers

    What Recipe Schedule Do You Follow?

    I try to create a balance between what I think I want to drink in the next month or two, whilst also thinking about trying to have at least one, possibly two, beers that people who come to visit might really enjoy. In recent times I've discovered the joys of bone-dry german-style cider, so...
  11. jbowers

    Low Attenuation, What Fg To Expect?

    Wow, surprising! I would have assumed that much crystal would lead to pretty low attenuation. Sure showed me! Edit for clarity: I am not being sarcastic - looking through that thread, people seem to get fine attenuation using very large portions of special malts, including crystal.
  12. jbowers

    Low Attenuation, What Fg To Expect?

    Good god... 20% Crystal!?!
  13. jbowers

    New To Kegs, Foam And Beer Flat In Lines

    Initial spurt of foam, depending on tap, is pretty common. Flat beer is not. Can't help you further, but hopefully others can. If not, I encourage you to google with specific terms relating to the problem you are having. Has helped me a great deal in the past.
  14. jbowers

    Holgate Hopinator - No Longer Any Good

    Was going to reply to reVox, but looks like it's already been said. I refuse to call that beer a double IPA, at least the beer I tried. If they have reworked the recipe, I look forward to trying it again when I'm sure it's fresh. Also, if this beer is comparable to Hop Stoopid now, it'd have to...
  15. jbowers

    Abit Of Cider Advice.

    Did you add any water?
  16. jbowers

    Holgate Hopinator - No Longer Any Good

    I liked it when I first had it, but didn't think much a year later. I blame that pretty much entirely on trying good IPA's within that gap. I just don't think it's a very good IPA, personally. Overt crystal malt character, and often has a bit of diacetyl going on. Hop flavour is ok, but...
  17. jbowers

    Filter Size

    Other people have had more luck filling quicker, 30 minutes seems to be the average. From my understanding, you can't gravity fill using a .45 micron filter, it will have too much resistance to be feasible. The other issue is stripping flavour. People have reported a difference in flavour when...
  18. jbowers

    Filter Size

    Why not just use a 1 micron filter? I've found that, combined with cold crashing, gives very clear beer and about a 45 minute (not able to get fermenter up very high) fill for a keg. That being said, I don't filter any more. Quicker fill, and I've found that using a filter has, on a couple of...
  19. jbowers

    Why Do You Brew The Things That You Brew?

    I started brewing to save money, but not as a general thing. Even now, because I don't buy in bulk, I COULD buy very cheap beer cheaper than the beer I make. I couldn't, however, buy the styles of beers that I like to drink for anywhere near that price. The combination of high quality and...
  20. jbowers

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    If it helps your peace of mind, I almost never get a massive krausen with 1469. Normally pretty moderate, bout the same as US-05. This grain/hop combination is a stunner when combined with the yeast - I'm betting you'll be really happy with the outcome :)