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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jbowers

    Has This Happened To Anyone Else

    Did you work out why this happened?
  2. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Sponge - I just read somewhere that it helped something or other.... I am no fountain of knowledge - it was my first AG and I wanted to do everything I could to make sure I was following roughly good practices. Pyrosx - Yes, I was calculating cube additions at 10 minute additions based on what...
  3. jbowers

    New Times Brewer;recipe=1192 Try this recipe. Single hop addition at 10 minutes, simple grain bill. Very easy to make and very tasty. Add 2-5% Crystal malt if you want. Might make it better, might make it worse....
  4. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    An update. The yeast has dropped from this beer to an acceptable level, and it's tasting very clean. Thought I should chime in for those cubing their beers in a no chill process. I put my cube in to a room at about 18-20 degrees. The bitterness I got was certainly very mild compared to the...
  5. jbowers

    New Times Brewer

    I am really enjoying reading this thread.
  6. jbowers

    Kegging Setups

    It's not perfect, but if you get line splitters with an on/off valve you can get very close to the dual reg thing. It's a bit fiddley though. Just pressurise each keg to what you want, with the others switched off. After you've had a few pints from one, apply the correct pressure for THAT keg...
  7. jbowers

    Pin Lock Or Ball Lock?

    I like my pin-locks. They were very cheap.
  8. jbowers

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    I think Bum is in America atm.
  9. jbowers

    What Are You Brewing III

    Just put down Smurtos Landlord. Ferment starts tomorrow once I filter and Keg Ross' NS Ale. Probably a Belgian Single next with Westmalle yeast.
  10. jbowers

    Too Much Froth When Pouring From Keg

    Depending on fridge temp 85-90 is quite a bit, it is not surprising that you get a few foamy pours.
  11. jbowers

    How Much Beer Do You Drink?

    Yeah same. I think the other thing is when I'm home I only grab another drink when I feel like I want it. The whole idea of buying 'rounds' can get you drunk pretty quick, especially if you are drinking a higher abv beer than everyone else.
  12. jbowers

    Gauging Interest In A Belgian Beer/lambic In A Box Bulk Buy...

    Ah, just realised. This would almost certainly attract taxation - it's hardly inconspicuous to import 10+ boxes of cask-lambic.
  13. jbowers

    Gauging Interest In A Belgian Beer/lambic In A Box Bulk Buy...

    Yeah not sure. Have heard of good prices from northline couriers. Unless you are in NT I wouldn't imagine it'd be more than $15 per 10l goon sack...
  14. jbowers

    Gauging Interest In A Belgian Beer/lambic In A Box Bulk Buy...

    To be fair, the cost is still somewhat reasonable without a bulk buy. 90-100 for the 10l vs 160ish...
  15. jbowers

    Gauging Interest In A Belgian Beer/lambic In A Box Bulk Buy...

    Just looked in to the belgium in a box website. Interesting range. What really struck me was the Lambic in a box. Best value for money seems to come in the 10l casks of Girardin Kriek or Lambic. Anyone interested in one or two of these? I'd be up for one of each, and the great thing is, once the...
  16. jbowers

    How Much Beer Do You Drink?

    Generally depends on my schedule/if I'm sick of having something to drink. Generally tends to be a couple of nights a week where I have nothing or maybe one beer due to gigs being late (I always drive to the gigs I play). Other than that I pretty much drink how ever much I want. Sometimes it's...
  17. jbowers

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Sorry, you misunderstood me. I'm not saying the beer is WORSE than any commercial IPA persay, just that this level of hop flavour is rarely found in commercial IPAs. If you like hops as much as I do, you might even prefer it to many commercial IPAs. As Raja pointed out, commercial breweries just...
  18. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    Just to clarify (ha!), my main reason for going down the filtering path is to have great tasting beer more quickly. I have no room for multiple vessels to be cold conditioning at once etc. I think the beers posted that are not filtered are more than clear enough for my taste. Aesthetically, I...
  19. jbowers

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    I have, and I reckon you can. Not a fair comparison either as little creatures is filtered and then has a lager strain added at bottling. Therefore no hop compounds tied in with the yeast. Just clean, fresh lager yeast so it contributes very little to the flavour. Jakub, good move. I totally...