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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. normell

    Idiot Merchandising

    Bunnings Bendigo today had the 900mm pre cut pieces, but above them were 50-100Mt rolls :P
  2. normell


    Yeah, working now. Must have been holding my mouth the wrong way b4 :blink: :P
  3. normell

    The New Home Bar

    Just in case you missed it, :P here's mine
  4. normell

    The New Home Bar

    Looking the part Macka, what ya gunna have Kegs :D or Bottles :(
  5. normell

    Cleaing Ball Valves

    :blink: What, you even put a cupboard into you brew :huh: How big is your fermenter :P
  6. normell


    Hi Moderators, Clicked on the links link, at the top of the page, and all the links are broken links. :huh: Is that enough links to get the links working again :P
  7. normell

    Drip Trays-custom Made

    That's better, looks good, so how much are they :P
  8. normell

    Temps For Kit Yeast

    One of the first things I learned was to never use the yeast that came from under the lid from the can. How long had it been there, and at what temperatures. :blink: If the label says it's a lager or pils, is the yeast a lager one ?. :huh: Never buy aftermarket yeasts from a home brew shop...
  9. normell

    50l Keg

    With all this discussion on how to open these "LEGAL" :unsure: kegs, do you plan to fill them with homebrew :D , then put into a fridge/freezer. Don't forget that 50l of brew weighs about 50kg, the keg about 20-25kg, so all up a lift of about 70-75kg to move :blink: Me thinks not to good on the...
  10. normell

    Brew Suggestions?

    Why not, were used to it by now :blink:
  11. normell

    Brew Suggestions?

    Maybe that's the problem Jez, the thinking cap might be too tight.
  12. normell

    Storage Question When Kegging

    Sent you a PM
  13. normell

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Like ol Henry Ford said about the "T" model "you can have it in any colour you like, as long as it's black" :P
  14. normell

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Personally I think it's up to whoever (Dane I think was gunna), to get one made, whatever style, show it here, then wait for the orders to flow in, worked with the cap & holders. If we try to get different styles & sizes, it will go on for another 18 months
  15. normell

    Painting My Keg Fridge

    Me thinkies it could be P&C's version of "War & Peace" :D
  16. normell

    Painting My Keg Fridge

    So is the second piccy on it's side, or have I fallen over. :blink: This should be a real good way for you to get over a thousand posts in a hurry :angry: So are we playing chess :unsure:
  17. normell

    Oktoberfest In Qld

    Done a google on "Oktoberfest" Some pretty intersting stuff about it
  18. normell

    Oktoberfest In Qld

    And what's the temperture then? Over there, warm but getting coooooler, here warm but getting hoooooooter Why don't we go for both :super:
  19. normell

    Oktoberfest In Qld

    Good idea Batz, I'm never one to let a chance of a booze up pass by, BUT a Oktoberfest is a European festival right, October in Europe is the middle of their Autumn right, so maybe it's time for us Aussies to start doing a Mayfest in the middle of our Autumn :blink: :P Normell
  20. normell

    Counter Pressure Bottle Fillers

    Hi Dicko I have one of the Phills type, used it a cuppla times 1. best to have the bottkes chilled 2. don't have to be super quick to cap But for all the stuffing around, I now prefer to fill straight from the tap. I turn the despensing pressure right down, pour a pint to settle the pressure...