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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. normell

    Six Beers In Ten Seconds

    When I was in the ARMY (Nasho) back in the early '70s, we did boat races, and another drinking game called "Kings". Pack of cards was dealt out, first to get a king decided what the drink would be, second what proportion it would be(size of glass & ratio), third had a sip, and last king would...
  2. normell

    The "gulf Brewery"

    Speaking of Cactus Subject: FW: A true story and its source was Australian quarantine (OH MYGOD!) A true story and its source was the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service in Adelaide. A bloke and his family were on holidays in the United States and went to Mexico for a week. An...
  3. normell

    Cool Temps Ale Or Yeast

    Hi BruceL One thing to consider is that the temperature of the wort itself won't vary with the surrounding temps. Your brew in those types of temps would be roughly around the 17 to 18 DegC constantly, so a good high temp lager, or low temp ale yeast should suit fine.
  4. normell

    Co2 Bottles

    I run three taps with four kegs & a 9Kg bottle lasts over a year glad I live in Vic where rental is only $17/Year :P
  5. normell

    Wanted- Old Computer

    Try this place Normell
  6. normell

    Where Do I Send Too

    Need some info on where to send the caps & Holders So all the Qld guys want them sent to Ross's place. Bindi, Browndog, Hoops, Old Dog, Pistol Patch, Sluggerdog & TidelPete. right ??? and SA to GMK Aaron, Crispy, Delboy, Doglet, Jazman, P&C, Roach, Spog, SteveSA, TDA, Wally, Wee Stu, Kirby &...
  7. normell

    Bee In My Brew

    Not really enough honey to make a difference. :P
  8. normell

    Best Honey

    Clover or Orange Blossom are the best I have used, Try not to use any eucalyptus strains. Only done in secondary for me.
  9. normell

    Co2 Bottles

    Only lighten your wallet quicker :blink: I pay $17 /year rent, aint it great
  10. normell

    Calling All Flooded Font Owners...

    Maybe you should clear up the GST issue too. :angry: Yes they are a good pump for flooded fonts, but a little noisy :blink:
  11. normell

    Av Programs

    Thanks Sloth Don't see the point in moving this very much "On Topic" at the moment, to off topic. With every body worried about virus protection ATM, thought all answers to this could have helped a lot of PPL like me (Computer Illiterate) out :blink:
  12. normell

    Av Programs

    With the problem that we had over the last couple of days, just how good are free anti virus programs. I've been using the Grisoft AVG free edition for quite a few years now (no problems yet, touch beer), but has anybody upgraded to the professional edition, does it give even better protection...
  13. normell

    Simple Coopers Lager Query

    Pity the rampant suppy of Bindii, wasn't Bindi, would have had a good brewing companion :P :huh:
  14. normell

    Simple Coopers Lager Query

    Best bet would be to try and find a online brew shop in Europe that does mail orders, and get their catalog. You shouldn't have any problems doing lager's in winter :blink:
  15. normell

    Simple Coopers Lager Query

    Welcome stonersloth, where ya from. The basic coopers lager kits come with an ale yeast I think you will find, so the 23*C in the booklet will be fine. The superior coopers kits have a different yeast, but when you get a bit more serious, you will start to find that rather than use the supplied...
  16. normell

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Well send a portfolio to the big & not so big brewers out there
  17. normell

    Is This Site Now The Craftbrewers Sales Site

    Another forum that I used to visit is Have a look 18 site sponsors, and now if the topic mentions anything about competition to these sponsors, it gets the flick real quick Hopefully this never happens at AHB, but I can see what Ray Mills is on about
  18. normell

    Rossco Get's His Wrists Slapped.

    But all brewers, K&K or AG need yeasts, dry or liquid, and a lot of kit brewers don't use the under the lid yeast's anyway, (I know back when I was a k&k'er, the first thing I did differently, was not to use the supplied, non temp controlled, yeasts. So is that idiot trying to stop all but K&K...
  19. normell


    Did he say if they can easily be refilled Ross
  20. normell

    How's This For Storing Hops

    Only if you spilt the on the carpet :P