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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Opened my beer pack early and chose 1 beer.. good choice.. No pics because this thing was just too damn tasty. NS might be my new favourite hop wow!!
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    Beer Packs For Christmas

    Thanks to all who suggested places. I ended up going with the missus to the internationalbeershop and due to her boredom (i could walk around for hours in there) and how busy it was came out with two premade packs. anddd...
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    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Thanks mate. Moo brew sounds interesting, I loved their hefeweizen! A trip to the internationalbeershop is in order!
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    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    No pics as its probably a pretty average beer but WOW. Pilsner Urquell where have you been all my life!? Keep in mind I havent really had many decent examples of pilsners or any lagers really. If I can make anything this decent I would be a very happy man. Any others you guys suggest to try?
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    Fanboys - These Members

    Agreed. Had alot of help from Kiefer and spoonta also. There is a lot of people on here who are willing to answer any question with a pretty long detailed response. Pretty good bunch mostly, you always get a few 'elitist' people but oh well.
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    Fanboys - These Members

    I think a reputation system might also mean that people who would have previously ignored a 'dumb' question to answer it anyway. Giving them reputation and the noob gets their answer sorted. Although posting in wrong sections etc repeatedly is just stupid. I realise people ask dumb questions...
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    Fanboys - These Members

    Why don't we have a 'rep' up or down button, or even just up to avoid trolls. Or even a special badge or something for those who have received alot of up votes for helpful posts? That way you could see who has given good advice. Personally I think its great when someone takes time to write a...
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    Kegging For A Better Beer Earlier?

    It could be I got unlucky and picked the last bottle. I generally leave at least 1L behind though to avoid bottling the trub. Nah didn't have a filter at the time. Got one now but haven't seen the need to use it yet unless making a lager. The bottle didn't have much sediment though, was really...
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    Kegging For A Better Beer Earlier?

    Hi guys I recently kegged and bottled my amarillo pale ale. I have been drinking from the keg for around a month and am completely happy with the beer. I tried my beer in the bottle to see the differences, not only was the beer noticable different in colour but also tasted really different. I...
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    "bad" Beer Ingredients

    Nothing too kerrrazy here. I used about 200g of milo in my choc stout because I was too lazy to go back out to the shops after forgetting cocoa. I figured it was malt.. and chocolate.. why the hell not? Actually turned out great!
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    New To Ahb

    Isn't a Saison actually hard because you need to keep the temperatures consistently high? Meaning at night not letting it drop? (thinking of attempting one soon after trying a Saison Dupont)
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    Beer Packs For Christmas

    Agreed. Cheers guys for the responses. The range isn't really enough @ murphys. Its decent for a large bottleshop and relatively cheap though. Have tried most of the decent ones there though!
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    Beer Packs For Christmas

    Hey guys Not sure where to post this so apologies if it is in the wrong section. Not sure what I want for christmas but on my quest to try as many beers as possible was thinking about asking the missus for an assorted beer pack. Anyone know any good places to get them? or good packs to try...
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    Ordered My First Kegs Woohoo

    +1 for the bronco taps. They are sometimes called picnic taps/faucets or something along those lines. I use 2 at the moment, can leave them inside the fridge/freezer and give a great pour. Actually considering not bothering with other taps since they work so well...
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Weird. Mine says OG 1.042 FG 1.008.
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    I put it in the kit/extract spreadsheet. It did seem a bit low but I figure the spreadsheet has guided me well so far.. please let me know if its incorrect!
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Should have mentioned batch size. It is for a 21L batch. Thanks guys. Will be giving it a crack and hopefully it turns out decent.
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    How does this sound 2kg Briess Pilsen Light DME 120g Carapils Malt Possibly 300g or so dextrose (not sure) 15g Czech Saaz @ 45 30g Tettnang @ 45 15g Czech Saaz @ 15 15g Czech Saaz @ Flameout Twin pack CB Swiss lager yeast. Completely made up by me so please let me know if something can be...
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    Whats In The Glass

    Thanks guys. I love that glass, was lucky my parents gave it to me so I have no idea where it came from!
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Most of my beers so far have been as good or better than the commercial ones I have tried even with kits, which is why I said I won't bother unless it is the same or better. Since I don't like crappy lagers, id rather buy it than make one I won't enjoy/drink. Having not done a lager I had no...