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  1. B

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Had a couple recently (too lazy to take pics atm sorry :P) A really nice beer, probably one of the best belgians I have had to be honest! Nice to have one at 6.5% so you can drink a bit more. A step above the Saison Dupont, more caramel and hides the percentage well at 9.5%! Best saison I...
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Fair call, appreciate it anyway :). Even if I use it for extract (would pay 20-30 bucks on a bigger pot anyway) or do a 2v system with an eski and boil in the urn (not sure yet) Cheers for the advice ill measure it up.
  3. B

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Picked this up today. Internal dimensions are 31cmx40cm so 30L in the end. Which is awesome :), still not sure itll be enough to go BIAB. Tyvm Kaiser Soze for the find. The tap drips a bit i think due to the sight glass leaking, is it hard to change the tap over to a ball valve or something else?
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Yeah I worked it out as internal so not too sure.. makes it hard not knowing. Cheers for the heads up. Edit - just estimating using the picture its about 26 litres ( estimated removing 1/5 of the height ) not including from the weld line around the bottom which I assume is the electrics...
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Thanks mate, might have to give it a try
  6. B

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Was probably going to do BIAB (space saving reasons) but if I get that urn for $30 I could do a 3v system pretty easy I guess.
  7. B

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Thanks mate, been looking for an urn! might be good. Have emailed. Although is it too small for a 20ish litre batch?
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    Lager Advice - Doing It Properly, Recipe Suggestions

    Ended up just cold crashing in primary for 5 days then racking to a keg. Still pretty cloudy, anyone know how long it generally takes with S-189 to clear? I realise it depends on alot of things but just curious on timeframe. Other than cloudiness its an amazing beer! extremely crisp just...
  9. B

    Cheap Urn On Ebay

    Agreed, keen to get started on AG. Will def get one if its any good
  10. B

    Halting The Bottle Fermentation

    I think maturation mostly comes from things (hop oils etc) breaking down due to chemical reactions and not so much the yeast. So doubt pasteurization would help much. could be wrong though. Constant refrigeration is probably the best bet when it comes to slowing down reactions (in general). Or...
  11. B

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Oh man, I can see how that would be awesome! Would be pretty hard to balance the banana flavour, do you actually use banana or just the yeast flavours? Wishing we had some bananas around.. wanting some banana bread like your mate haha.
  12. B

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    More today. Its been a good beer week haha. First up was a Timothy Taylor Landlord - Was a nice beer, im generally not a fan of the style but heard good things so gave it a go. Actually enjoyed it a fair bit. Next was a 4 Pines Kolsch - Not really a fan.. not sure if it had handling issues...
  13. B

    Wheat Beer Questions

    sounds interesting may have to give it a crack some time then if I come across one. When starting out though I know a failed batch would be enough to put me off! Now I know better but I always wanted a sure thing to begin with to make sure my skills were only to blame if anything went wrong !
  14. B

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Bought a few today. 6 Pack of Kooinda Black IPA because it was delicious :D Epic Pale ale and a Moon Dog Henry Ford's Girthsome Fjord - Really enjoyed the Moon dog, was like a mashup of an IPA, stout, brown ale all I know is it was damn tasty! will buy more for sure.
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    Cheap Urn On Ebay

    If anyone is game enough to try them please let us know how they go. Wanting to go AG but waiting for a 'space-saving' option and an urn sounds good to me.
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    Coopers Toucan Stout Twist

    Hey mate Posted this in another thread. Not sure if its what you are after but it has been my best beer to date! Can of Coopers Irish Stout 500g Dried Dark Malt extract 500g Dried Light Malt extract 200-250g Chocolate malt 250g Maltodextrin 200g Milo 'Black-pac'...
  17. B

    Wheat Beer Questions

    I am by no means an expert brewer but my understanding is the wheat malt gives great head retention and mouthfeel anyway. so no spec grains needed. Experts feel free to correct me! Dont think irish moss is needed unless its AG. Also - be careful buying kits past their use by date, even...
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    Gas Qd On The Beer Out Post: Can It Be Done?

    I just use the IN post and roll the keg on its side. Bit more effort taking the keg out but does the trick just as well. An option if you cbf but probably better long term to just get a beer QD or swap JG fittings
  19. B

    Thanks! And More Help Needed On My Pilsner Attempt

    I think 6 days would be about right at that temperature. My pilsner using S-189 is down to around 1.015 after 6 days and that was at 11-12 degrees! If it tastes good then dont stress :D