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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. johnno

    Bread Porn

    Fired up the oven yesterday and after the pizzas we threw a few loaves in. I am still calculating correct temps for the oven. This batch got slightly burnt but still a delicious tasting bead. I am still working on a sourdough starter to make a good sourdough. cheers johnno
  2. johnno


    Had the day off yesterday so we fired up the oven. I was rather hungry by then. cheers johnno
  3. johnno

    The Pasta Thread...homemade Of Course

    pfffffffftttttttt pasta machines. My Mrs makes it with her hands. johnno
  4. johnno

    Worst Comerical Beer You Had

    It has to be that MVP brand from Aldi. I nearly spewed when I saw 4 slabs in some blokes trolley. johnno
  5. johnno

    Hop Rhizome Split/swap

    They can also be propogated as well. As posted by Sosman a few years back. I have in the past succesfully done that and given plants away that way. I do not know what happened to them as I never heard back from where they went. I also do not know if they will produce hops that way as I am not...
  6. johnno


    Here is one coming out of my cob oven. Recipe is the same. Tatse of the pizza is 100 times better if that is possible coming of the firebricks. cheers johnno
  7. johnno

    Making Sourdough Bread

    Hi Merc, cob ovens are named after the material they are made from. They are wood fired. Cob is usually a mixture of clay,sand, earth straw, and water. These have been used in various forms through the ages for cooking in. Easier for a non handy person like me to make. As opposed to the flash...
  8. johnno

    Making Sourdough Bread

    Doc, That looks fantastic. Bit of cheese and it is a feast. I too have been meaning to get a sourdough starter going. I have been practising making bread in my cob oven and it has been going pretty good. Bread is awesome! is lamb, which is why I usually throw a piece in after the...
  9. johnno

    The Perfect Woman

    This is getting weird.
  10. johnno

    Hop Rhizome Ebay Madness

    haha this is nuts. I just pot a few rhizomes and offer up for free pickup. Sorry i'm too lazy to post. cheers johnno
  11. johnno

    Whats Your Favourite Snack With Your Homebrew

    Have merged this with an older thread. Have to say mine is still the peanut. cheers johnno
  12. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    Gone. cheers johnno
  13. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    I have an unopened bag of Powells Pilsner malt that I need to swap with a 6 pack of your finest. I purchased this in April last year and have not been able to use. Pickup only in Werribee.
  14. johnno

    Comment by 'johnno' in media 'Coolroom 005.jpg'

    Awesome stuff! I need one. :D cheers johnno
  15. johnno

    Sodium Percarbonate - Bulk Buy, Melb(west)?

    I'd be in. cheers johnno
  16. johnno

    The Australian National Homebrewing Conference

    Prices are out.
  17. johnno

    The Nine Dollar Pint

    Just got back from getting the kids maccas. A sundae is $2.25 <_< $9 for a pint of microbrew seems reasonable.
  18. johnno

    Powell's Malt

    Maybe it is a Con-Spiro-See :ph34r:
  19. johnno

    Powell's Malt

    Speaking of. Does anyone know hat has happened to their website? Seems to have dissapeared :huh: All links I have bookmarked and al I can find on the net end up at some luggage site. Has their site been hijacked? cheers johnno
  20. johnno

    Powell's Malt will give people ideas.