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  1. johnno

    "thats What She Said"

    Moved to Off Topic. cheers johnno
  2. johnno

    What are you brewing II ?

    This one I'm using a dry US 56. Previously I have used Thames Valley Ale Yeast II (Wyeast Labs #1882) and Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007). Mine were also based on Denny's recipe as well. cheers johnno
  3. johnno

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    lol..nah Tony..its just the angle of the pic. Most of the soil is fine, especially what they are potted in, basically pure worm poo. I make my own compost and give them a feed every now and then. I'd say that they need a lot of warm weather which we have not had a lot of in Melbourne so far...
  4. johnno


    Had some time today so fired up the oven. First pizza of the rank. Next few are lined up.
  5. johnno

    What are you brewing II ?

    yardy, yes I have twice before. last time was in 2006. the rye gives it a great taste, a bit sourish from memory. This is actually one of my favorite beers but unfortunately I do not brew enough. cheers johnno
  6. johnno

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Well my 2 larger bhut jolokias are still growing. Nowhere as fast as I thought and the weather has been very mild in Melbourne so far. Hopefully will get some chillies of them but there is no way on earth I am eating a whole one all at once. cheers johnno
  7. johnno

    What are you brewing II ?

    Made this Rye IPA today. Amount Item Type % or IBU 3.50 kg Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 43.75 % 3.00 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC) Grain 37.50 % 1.50 kg Rye Malt (9.3 EBC) Grain 18.75 % 21.00 gm Horizon [10.90 %] (60 min) Hops 20.1 IBU 22.00 gm Pearle [6.00 %]...
  8. johnno

    Happy Holidays

    Happy holidays brewers. We had yiros and turkey. cheers johnno
  9. johnno

    Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

    This sure can happen at times. The first one of mine I tried after bottling I was hit by wet cardboard everywhere. I was surprised as I had taken care to make this beer and could not understand where oxidisation may have come into it. I had to quickly try another bottle and was relieved to...
  10. johnno

    Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

    Well I have drunk most of these and whilst I am not the best at taking notes i do have very short ones upon initial tasting. So far the 2 standouts for me have been 2 mark_m - summer ale and 4 Rook - Pommie Bitter. cheers johnno
  11. johnno

    Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

    15 Quintrex - Saison de votre mre Can be drunk now or aged a bit more to let it mellow! Quintrex, this one had a very strong Listerine smell and taste. Could not drink it. Also started crawling out of the bottle after it was left alone. cheers johnno
  12. johnno

    Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

    I have just tried one labeled 25 but as far as I can tell this was capped at 24 brews. Is this the mystery brew that ended up in my crate? This one initially had a skunked aroma but has now subsided to grassy. Getting harder to tell after tasting quite a few. Finishes with a POR bitterness.
  13. johnno

    Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

    Well mine had 25 because I brought you an extra Reg. I must have mentioned it. cheers johnno
  14. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap - Recipes

    And here is the ammended receipe. Bottled on the 8 Nov. Drinking well now but a bit undercarbed. Should be perfect in a couple of weeks time. cheers johnno Amount Item Type % or IBU 5.22 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC) Grain 92.01 % 0.45 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett)...
  15. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap 22/11/08

    Reg, Pm'd you but have not heard anything back. Can you still do this? cheers johnno
  16. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap 22/11/08

    Reg, in Werribee area. cheers johnno
  17. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap 22/11/08

    Just bottled mine today. Since I will not be attending Rooks place to wreak havoc, is there someone willing to take my beers up? I can drop off or pick up can be arranged. cheers johnno
  18. johnno

    Easy Jerky

    To the brewers that have the DD dryer. What are the dimensions of one of those trays? They do not look very deep. Also, what is the maximum amount of jerky you can make on one. cheers johnno
  19. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap - Recipes

    oops.....this was going to be a SNPA clone but after stuffing up the 56gm of Cascade for flameout and adding them at the 30min instead of the Pearle it looks like it will be a standard APA. Damn..was looking forward to trying this. Suppose there is always next week. I'll post the final recipe...
  20. johnno

    Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap - Recipes

    I'll be brewing this tomorrow for the case swap. Using an US dry yeast for this. SNPA Clone American Pale Ale Type: All Grain Date: 8/10/2008 Batch Size: 24.61 L Boil Size: 32.45 L Asst Brewer: Boil Time: 70 min Equipment: My Equipment Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse...