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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    I have another 20 kg of ale malt if anyone is interested. Pickup only and byo bag/sack. I'll take a 6 pack of your finest as a barter as supplies are low here at the moment. cheers johnno
  2. johnno

    Abbeydale Moonshine

    You can also try contacting the brewery direct. Some breweries are happy to tell you. Others think they invented brewing and guard their "secret". cheers johnno
  3. johnno

    Funny Beer Names

    Good site. I thought this would be a thread about some of the weird names brewers give their beers. (at least I seem to) But let's not go there. cheers johnno
  4. johnno

    Anawbs 2007 Results

    Well done Rob. I always liked your label a lot. nice sig as well :D cheers johnno
  5. johnno

    Vicbrew Results 2007

    Geez...over already? I forgot to enter :unsure: johnno
  6. johnno

    Mash Stirring

    Have to say i never stir the mash apart from the initial mash in and the sparge. Have never seen the need for it. cheers johnno
  7. johnno

    Taking A Reading Sucks In Air

    Don't worry about it. It should be fine and something most of us have done. The 2 piece airlocks are good for this. You just remove the top and put it back on when finished. cheers johnno
  8. johnno

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    I too have made all Saaz ale. Came out awesome. I didn't really know what to expect. Highly recomended. Fermented at 20C 5.50 kg Powells Pilsner (Powells Malts) (3.0 EBC) Grain 90.16 % 0.30 kg Powells Caramalt (Powells Malt) (22.0 EBC) Grain 4.92 % 0.30 kg Powells Wheat (Powells Malts)...
  9. johnno

    Choosing A House Ale Strain

    Agree with Andrew. WLP007 Dry English Ale is also another very good yeast. I got a vial of this a couple of years ago and split it a few time. Made APA, Stout, Porter and bitters with it. I would use this yeast a bit more if it was readily available to me. mfdes. This from the whitelabs site...
  10. johnno

    Ideas For My Second Ag

    I like my summer ales simple. And mashed in the lower temp range. Here is a typical grain bill I will use. 5.00 kg Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.9 EBC) Grain 90.09 % 0.30 kg Powells Caramalt (Powells Malt) (22.0 EBC) Grain 5.41 % 0.25 kg Powells Wheat (Powells Malts) (2.0 EBC) I usually...
  11. johnno

    Choosing A House Ale Strain

    The 1335 British Ale II is an awesome yeast. Goes well in English and American styles. What I also really like about it is that it clears really well. But the one I have been hooked on for the last 18 months and use mostly these days is the 1332 Northwest Ale. Can't say I have used it in an...
  12. johnno

    2007 Hop Plantations

    Hi Big D, Bit of a discussion here but some more feedback would be appreciated. cheers johnno
  13. johnno

    Fridge For Sale

    OK. This one is gone. I have since found out it is aproximately 500 litrs. Half fridge half freezer. German brand but not sure which one and only 2 years old. Now there is/was a bargain. Sorry I didn't have the information earlier. I may soon have another much crappier but working fridge...
  14. johnno

    Fridge For Sale

    This will be ending up in a skip if no one picks it up. Good to see everyone has plenty of fridges. cheers johnno
  15. johnno

    Fridge For Sale

    Bumping this. cheers johnno
  16. johnno

    eBay Items IV

    25 litre urn in Sth Eastern suburbs Melbourne. Perfect for someone starting out in AG. cheers johnno
  17. johnno

    Fridge For Sale

    Unfortunately no. I have seen it though. It would take 2 kegs in the fridge compartment, maybe 3> I am not sure because every time ii have seen it is is pretty packed with food. They are moving and are getting new stuff. I would have taken it but already have 4 fridges for brewing and kegging...
  18. johnno

    Fridge For Sale

    A friend has a good fridge in working order for sale. It is one of the ones with the freezer down the bottom. Good for fermenting or kegging. Asking price is $40. You will need to pick it up next Wednesday. That is the only day available for pickup. Pickupp is in Thornbury. PM me if you are...
  19. johnno

    Golden Pils "special Beer"

    Maybe it is for "Special" people ? :blink: Still not a bad drop either way. cheers johnno
  20. johnno

    Golden Pils "special Beer"

    Due to my extreme can't be bothered laziness I have not been brewing and have run out of beer. I saw this in the local bottlo and grabbed a slab to try. At $27 I thought the price is right. Unfortunately I have a head cold and cannot really smel and taste well but it I can taste the malt in...