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  1. TimT

    Does stronger beer taste better?

    Not necessarily. I've had some stronger beers that have had a very fusel-type taste to them. That's where it's like higher alcohols and hot-harsh alcohol feel. There was a barleywine on tap at a pub I visited last year with a lot of those fusels/phenols. It also had a very high hoppyness...
  2. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Yeah I know - that's where the linked recipe above came from. As Buhner notes (and I do above) he sourced the recipe from brewer John Harrison. Good book!
  3. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Bump for the perspicacious Monday readers! And here's a link to another helpful gruit recipe, this time with some very informative comments. Another thought I had today was to use a certain quantity of ginger and galangal in the recipe, as they will add a certain firey spiciness to the brew...
  4. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Hey, February 1 is International Gruit Day! The date is auspicious!
  5. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Randy Mosher's gruit recipe. He doesn't like yarrow for some reason which I can never work out.
  6. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Some posts like this are informative. I'm not sure whether I believe that marsh rosemary was usually not used in combination with myrica gale as they didn't grow in the same parts of the world (as if people didn't, y'know, trade stuff!). Though it does suggest that marsh rosemary may not be...
  7. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Heh. A rant against gruit, "beer's most evil style"
  8. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Lack of hops won't matter too much. Once you've brewed your brew and got it sealed up nothing else can get in. For a higher alcohol gruit - one of those recipes is linked above - the alcohol itself will be a powerful preservative. But I'm thinking it will be best for drinking fairly fresh...
  9. TimT

    Searching for Marsh rosemary - a gruit ingredient

    Sorry. New post here. I thought I might make about 10 L gruit first up.
  10. TimT

    Plannin' a gruit!

    Marsh rosemary (check!), bog myrtle (check!), yarrow (check!) - it seems I have all the necessary ingredients in my very house to make a proper medieval-style gruit ale. Now this is not quite something I've ever done before - all my experiments with herbal brewing do give me some idea as to...
  11. TimT

    Searching for Marsh rosemary - a gruit ingredient

    Got some! Starting up a new thread...
  12. TimT

    Froached Eggs

    Agree, just depends on what you're doing with the eggs, I guess.
  13. TimT

    Froached Eggs

    Adding lemon to eggs generally works a small magic . Not quite sure what happens - something about the acidity of the lemon changing the composition of the white - but if you squeeze just a little bit of lemon juice into a pan with the eggs it causes the whites to immediately firm up - and the...
  14. TimT


    Well when you chuck honey in the brew you end up with fermented honey: it's always going to taste and smell different. Speaking as an occasional mead brewer, honey does *very* surprising and wondrous things if you give it time; in a good reasonably high strength mead, within about 6 months to...
  15. TimT

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    OH WELL SO SAD. Bunnings I think is owned by Wesfarmers (ie, part of the Coles Galactic empire). But damn they're friendly. I remember when a Masters store sprung up in South Morang near us and we ended up in there looking for something. Miles of unfriendly, cold concrete, and not a soul in...