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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. TimT

    Active clubs in Melbourne

    And there's Merri Mashers. If you live in Lilydale Melbourne Brewers is probably your best bet, but you're welcome to come to one of our meetings. The next official meeting is at the Terminus Hotel in Clifton Hill in a month but we'll have an unofficial meet up this Saturday morning at Craft and...
  2. TimT

    Best way to add choc and coffee to stout

    Buckerooni, right, I found the most convenient way is to add it as the priming solution.
  3. TimT

    Best way to add choc and coffee to stout

    I've made a coffee milk porter over several years, it's a pretty successful brew. Cold press is the way to go. I use about 6 handfuls* of fresh coffee beans for about 10 litres of porter. (I did a quick measurement just then - six handfuls is about 60 grams, 10 grams per handful). I steep it in...
  4. TimT

    Name the bar

    Yob Story.
  5. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    My cat wishes to marry the lawnmower, is this legal? Of course it is, otherwise the lawnmower would be left all forlawn.
  6. TimT

    Dry hopping with wet hops.

    Yes, we could have probably picked a bit later. It was hard to judge. Some of the largest top hops had definitely dried out a bit, with burnt edges. The lower ones looked like they could go on longer. Definite Cascade smell when you crunched them in your fingers. I'm surprised that not more...
  7. TimT

    Dry hopping with wet hops.

    I've just done a wet hopped pale ale with my Cascade. Added the hops in towards the end of primary fermentation. Little aroma (possibly lost some of that during fermentation) but a veeeeeeeery strong citrussy character. What's chlorophyll taste like?
  8. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    The rest I think I'll file under trolling. Or Goosing, if you want to claim the copyright on that I don't mind. I was a bit argumentative last night Brewnicorn and I probably shouldn't have used the term 'goose'. (It seemed less lame and more affectionate than 'you silly'). Free to use the...
  9. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    The institution and formalising it in a ceremony... reproduction existed long before Christ. Merely affectionate chiding, Brewnicorn. :) I didn't say marriage existed solely as a Biblical principal. There are other definitions, and other cultures have very similar concepts. But if you are...
  10. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    I'm not sure I have once heard of anyone trying or wanting to get a homosexual wedding in a church. As you know it's a highly politicised issue. Sooner or later there'll be a test case in Australia. It's been tested in the UK.
  11. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    Uh oh, this is all getting a bit deep and heavy. Started out talking about beer, then religion, now marriage, and now China's involved?! 我肏 I'm not leaving until we discuss the historical, sociological and ideological causes and consequences of the communist revolution under Mao!
  12. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    Surely no ones stupid enough to think that marriage didn't exist before the time of Christ. Haha. Christ is referencing previous discussions of marriage in the Hebrew scriptures. So yep. Well aware of that.
  13. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    Marriage being recorded in the bible doesn't make it a biblical principle. It comes from Christ himself, you goose, and you can't get a much more biblical principle than one that comes from the very founder of Christianity himself. 3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying...
  14. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    And if looking at the speck in my own eye, there is no way I can judge the other for the log in his. Hm, this is somewhat pedantic of me but I note you've reversed the normal position of the log and the speck there. But yeah. I know what you're saying. The trouble is, I think, too much general...
  15. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    My issue is with the sin itself. Not the person. Pierre. I'd suggest it is sentences and thoughts like this that may keep many gay people away from church. And I'd further suggest, it has very little basis in scripture or tradition. Too often modern interpretation of Christianity focus...
  16. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    It's not entirely clear to what extent Coopers had involvement in this. The publicity they've had certainly hasn't been all good (nobody wants to cause boycotts to your brand, even unintentionally). But they'll survive. The CUB dispute with the unions was much worse: that went on for months...
  17. TimT

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    Religion and drink don't mix? Hahaha, nobody's heard of communion wine?
  18. TimT

    Used grain

    Chooks. They love it! And then they are mildly enthusiastic about it. And then they're all, like, "what is this ****, I've been eating this for half an hour already, give us the good stuff!" And I give the rest to our worm farm.
  19. TimT

    Looking for Juniper Boughs

    Yeah I know though I think Evildrakey indicated above he's not interested in doing that yet. That point is interesting, though. Spruce tips - and probably most other conifer tips (including juniper) - are full of vitamin C, which is partly what gives them their citrussy zing and may have made...
  20. TimT

    Licorice, root or powder?

    Coming in very late... how'd this brew go? Licorice adds its own sugars I think, some of which are unfermentable. It's a good ingredient but you don't need to add much. I'd tend to go for it in the root form as that probably indicates it's been less processed but it probably doesn't matter...