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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jakethesnake559

    Red Ipas

    65C seems to work out well for me. OG 1.054 -> FG 1.012...IPA would be higher OG than mine.
  2. jakethesnake559

    Red Ipas

    I brewed this American Red(...ish) last planning to up the Roast Barley next time to get a bit more color. Tastes great though!! Grain Bill Weight (g) % Briess Pale Ale 4460 79.5 Weyermann Carared 845 15.1 JWM Light Munich...
  3. jakethesnake559

    Is My Regulator Stuffed?

    Thanks Kev, maybe all is not lost. And edit...second mistake was definately NOT finishing the keg!!
  4. jakethesnake559

    Is My Regulator Stuffed?

    Hi all, Last weekend I took my portable 9L keg setup on it's maiden voyage. It's a soda stream bottle on a single gauge reg with about 400mm gas line to the disconnect. First mistake was not installing a non-return valve. Second mistake was finishing the whole keg (I blame a lack of support...
  5. jakethesnake559

    Secondry Fermentation

    Hey Hopper, I usually allow 3-4 weeks in winter just leaving the bottles in the shed (probably around 16C during the day and 5C at night). The beer gets better with age in the bottle anyway. And I always try to bottle a few stubbies as testers so you don't waste a whole long neck if you get...
  6. jakethesnake559

    No Chill Cube Not Full

    quote name='Nossil' date='Jul 22 2012, 03:28 PM' post='937227'] So, if I leave it in the cube for a few more days is it goodbye precious wort? I managed to cross thread a cube once, so couldn't get a proper seal on it. Left it for a week with similar headspace to yours before pitching and the...
  7. jakethesnake559

    What's Your Favourite Stout?

    Yeah, I'm on the Red Hill Imperial now...delicious!! The bloke at the bottlo gave me some Sinha Stout from Sri Lanka, that's going to be interesting. Drew - thanks, I'm thinking of keeping the grain bill simple as you mention. What OG do you aim for?
  8. jakethesnake559

    What's Your Favourite Stout?

    Hi fellow brewers, After the Great Australian Beer Spectacular, I got to thinking about brewing a stout...there were so many great one's on show. Never brewed a stout before, so started the research :chug: . Brewboys Ace of Spades 4 Pines StAmbroise Outmeal Guinness Foreign Extra Nogne O...
  9. jakethesnake559

    Yeast Starters

    Hi Karhunkynsi, C'mon mate, chill out :icon_cheers: !! Wolfy's post is one of the best guides I've seen on the net if you like pictorial guides. I think people like to point you to other links rather than re-typing stuff...but generally everyone on here is trying to help. Re. liquid yeast, you...
  10. jakethesnake559

    Minimum Pot Size For Extract/biab Brewing?

    Hi Matt...when you start asking those questions, it's time to pick yourself up a BIAB bag!! It's the most cost effective way to make awesome beer. As BribieG mentioned, buying grain is a lot cheaper than extract. Get on board :beerbang: !! If you still want to pick up bulk extract, make sure...
  11. jakethesnake559

    Fridge Tap, Mind Of Its Own......

    What type of tap is it? I would pull it apart, give it a good clean, check all the seals then put it back together again. If that doesn't fix it, save up for a perlick.
  12. jakethesnake559

    Hargreaves Hill!

    I have found my new favourite beer...Hargreaves Hill ESB. Dry hopped with Nelson Sauvin from NZ...I love it :icon_drool2: !! And just when SWMBO was planning a trip out the yarra valley for a Saturday lunch :ph34r: .
  13. jakethesnake559

    American Red Ale Recipe Anyone?

    Just kegged that American Red I brewed a few weeks back... American Red [BIAB] Brew length: 20L OG: 1.050 FG: 1.012 IBU: 38 Mash: 90mins @ 65C Yeast: Wyeast 1056 Ferm Temp: 18C Grains Briess Pale Ale 4460g Weyermann Carared 845g JWM Light Munich 280g JWM Roast Barley 25g Hops Northern Brewer...
  14. jakethesnake559

    Perlick Stainless Faucet And Beer Shank

    Picked mine up from "The Beer Tap Store" on ebay. Grouping together with other gear will obviously save you some $$ on postage. Great tap...good choice!! :icon_cheers:
  15. jakethesnake559

    In Melbourne For A Beer

    Hey Sav, I'm lucky enough to live right near Mountain Goat!!...definitely check that out as mentioned above. You can head to Purvis Beer bottle shop on Bridge Rd on a Friday night for free tastings (4:30 to 7:30 i think) and an amazing range of beers. The Royston Hotel (on the same street as...
  16. jakethesnake559

    About To Try My First Biab On The Stove

    +1 for that...two separate brews side by side on your stove. 5kg of grain in 12L of water is going to be a really thick mash!! Without knowing what your brewing, if you want 10L of 1.052 wort into fermenter, you would need about 2.5kg of grains mashed in 18L of water. That would be about the...
  17. jakethesnake559

    First Biab In My 40lt Urn

    Hey Crusty, Congrats on making the sideways step to BIAB!! I did a couple of 3V brews with a mate back when I was still into kits. Looking at the setup and amount of stuff he had, I couldn't ever see myself getting that dedicated to brewing. But then I stumbled on BIAB about a year ago, and...
  18. jakethesnake559

    Happy Bloody Days

    The two best things I ever did was move to BIAB and set up a fermenting fridge with temp controller. Both made making great beer waaay easier!! I love having total control over the ingrediants and the ability to brew to my own tastes. Get into it!! :beerbang:
  19. jakethesnake559

    Hi All

    Hi Thomas, Excellent work getting back into homebrew!! It's really hard to get the temp down when you pitch that high. If you get a plastic tub that is large enough to fit your fermenter in, you can use it to control temperature. Freeze 4 water bottles overnight. Stick the fermenter in the...
  20. jakethesnake559

    Tastes Crap...should I Bottle?

    Hey Jimmy, If the flavour is too malty, sweet, bitter, hoppy etc...the flavour will mellow out with time spent in the bottle and will be probably be OK. Tough call to throw away beer...and against the natural instinct of us brewers :lol: . Are there any signs of infection?...Did you control...