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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jakethesnake559

    Cloudy Amber

    Hi Scott, As warra mentioned, it's important that you make sure it has finished fermenting before bottling/dropping the temp. You should get the same hydro reading 3 days in a row and it should be down around 1.010 (depending on what you're brewing of course). If you have access to a big empty...
  2. jakethesnake559


    Here's the go-to thread from Wolfy... Rinsing Yeast
  3. jakethesnake559


    link Check out the link above and you will find heaps of opinions on racking. Personally, I don't rack my beers. I brew ales so the beer is off the yeast and into the keg within a few weeks. If you are concerned about autolysis, you probably won't have an issue unless you are leaving it in...
  4. jakethesnake559

    Harvesting Yeast After A "non-standard" Fermentation

    Thanks gents...exactly the info I was after. I won't waste my time. Cheers, Jake.
  5. jakethesnake559

    Harvesting Yeast After A "non-standard" Fermentation

    Hi all, Just wondering if there would be any issues harvesting yeast from a beer that had some issues during fermentation. My latest one was a bit slow to start and then kind of stopped and started. Has ended up getting down from 1.056 to 1.018 now after two weeks and some manual...
  6. jakethesnake559

    Temperature Testing

    Hi Blitzer, I used to use a similar method...measuring the temp of the water will give you a close enough reading. I tested it once by taking a temp reading of a hydrometer sample vs. the water bath on. Cheers, Jake.
  7. jakethesnake559

    Specific Gravity Drop.

    Hi Rob, I'd just leave it in the primary for another week and let the yeast clean things up. No dramas :icon_cheers: . Cheers, Jake.
  8. jakethesnake559


    Hi *****, Some info from my always, you will get heaps of great responses on this one. 1. Will Wyeast improve my Lagers/Pilsners/Ales? (Are they better than using Dry yeast?) Personally, I have had better results with the Wyeast...but maybe that's just because I have been...
  9. jakethesnake559

    Difference Between 60 And 90 Min Boil Time

    I had a similar question on a different forum and got this back...good reading. Would be interested in some real world results. Cheers, Jake.
  10. jakethesnake559

    First-time All Grain

    Hi Simchuck, I have been brewing BIAB for about a year now...and love the simplicity of the whole process. Your approach sounds like a great way to learn (especially small can drink them quicker to see the results and brew more often). I think hops and IBU are a good place to...
  11. jakethesnake559

    Over Gassed?

    Sounds like it's over-carbed given your previous beer poured fine with the same setup. Burping it every few hours over a couple of days should fix it...did you take it out of the fridge to do that? CO2 will be released from the beer as the temperature rises to room temp. Can you see any small...
  12. jakethesnake559

    Steeping Hops

    Hops degrade differently depending on the variety, temparature, exposure to air etc... A few days on the kitchen bench during winter will be OK...I doubt you would taste much difference. that avatar :icon_drool2:
  13. jakethesnake559

    What's Your Favourite Stout?

    Finally got around to Murrays Wild Thing...on tap at the Royston last week. Liquid gold!!! Had a bit of difficulty getting the parma down afterwards, pretty much a meal in itself :beerbang: .
  14. jakethesnake559

    Help With Ez Water Calculator

    Thanks guys. Without thinking too hard, it looks like 3mL Lactic Acid, 10g CaCl2 and 10g MgSO4 would do the trick. There goes my plan of just adding one thing :lol: !! Don't have a pH meter...was looking at getting one, what's a good brand/model?? Looks like the general concensus is that pH...
  15. jakethesnake559

    How To Clean Beer Lines

    I dilute a bit of cleaning agent (Five Star PBW for me) in a keg with warm water, connect up the gas and pump it into the lines. Let it soak in the lines for 20mins or so. Then rinse out the keg (keep the cleaning solution for later when you clean the taps) and put some warm fresh water in...
  16. jakethesnake559

    Help With Ez Water Calculator

    Hi fellow brewers, Looking for some help with water chemistry using the EZ Water Calculator 3.0 spreadsheet. From reading some of Tony Wheeler's stuff in the articles section I understand that Melbourne water is pretty low in all of the key ions. I got the 2011 water report from City West...
  17. jakethesnake559

    This Pot Suitable For Biab

    Hi Echo, I have that exact same burner. Honestly speaking, I found it to be a little underpowered especially for a 50L pot (mine was only 30L). Waiting for liquid to boil on a slow burner can add heaps of time to your brew day. Which usually means more drinking and a higher probability of...
  18. jakethesnake559

    New To Kegging

    Hi Anthony, Nice looking setup!! Took me a while to get my head around balancing a keg system. Work out the pressure required to get the desired C02 volume at your serving temp (there are tables on the net to help with that one). Then get enough beer line to allow you to keep the reg on the...
  19. jakethesnake559

    Forward Sealing Taps

    Perlick 525SS is a great tap. I probably only pour beer through mine a couple of times a week and have never had any troubles with sticking or clogging up. I clean them when the kegs run dry and find them very easy to disassemble and clean out. Can't comment on the Floryte. Cheers, Jake.
  20. jakethesnake559

    No Carbonation In Pet Bottles

    Hi, Either the bottles didn't seal properly or the yeast needs a bit more time. +1 for puting them in a warmer place and giving another week or so. It's strange that the ones in glass are OK though?? I've never used PET bottles. Jake.