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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Sanitising (a Little Help Please)

    Napisan is sodium percarbonate
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    Counterflow Chiller - Advice

    Scheme water in Scarboro was 28C the other day so Maylands may be around that as well. My CFC delivers wort about 4C above that of the cooling water which is not adequate this time of the year, so I coiled up 5M of 1/2" copper and put it in a container holding 4KG crushed ice in a slurry. I pass...
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    Fermented Out In 3 Days!

    I recently pitched an ale onto a full measure of slurry (I usually just pull out 1/2 a litre or so) and the fermentation was done and dusted in 48 hours even though I never let the wort go over 18C. The resultant brew smelt and tasted like dirty sandshoes so I left it there at 18C and after...
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    Collared Chest Freezer Kegorators

    Haven't you a wife? thats what I use.
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    2200w Elec Element

    1 watthour = 860 calorie so work from there. As an aside, if you can run 3600W (15A) you will be glad.
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    Sandgroper Xmas 2007 Recipes And Tasting

    Mika's Christmas Beer. I saved this for the 2008 Christmas dinner finale. Enid did not bother to make a Christmas pudding this year and she had no need to for there it was, bottled up like a genie waiting to be released for our pleasure. It was clean on the palate, clear to the eye with rich...
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    Used S/s Contatiners

    Those would make a serious amount of beer. It looks like a four man team at minimum.
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    Transfer From Keg To Grolsch Bottle?

    Yep, cold bottles, cold tap (so you must pull half a glass first) and the lowest pressure you can dispense at.
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    Co2 Fire Extinguisher Refill In Perth

    Pressure testing services, 115 Campbell Belmont Ph.94781160 For me he was while-U-wait and a good price, but that was a year ago
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    Sandgropers, Case, 2008, Yada Yada

    Enid and Tony thank you Simon, for a most enjoyable evening though Fleur probably did most of the hard work. So, thank you Fleur for all the hard work.
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    Sandgropers, Case, 2008, Yada Yada

    More jibber jabber---- I just pulled some Italian sausages out of the smoker. Am I permitted to bring them along even if they aren't deep fried? If you're doubtful,I can assure you that there is heaps of fat in them.
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    Kettle Jackets

    The only photo is of the bottom of mine but you can see the jacket and insulation which was scrounged off a roadside discarded hot water system and tailored to suit the kettle dia. [
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    Freekah......anybody Used It Yet?

    Proscuitto you can afford? check the link below and expand your DIY horizons -
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    Excess Brew Going To Bottles.

    I usually have a couple of litres over after I keg so I just run them out into a 2L coke bottle, squeeze all the air out, screw the cap on tight and drop it into the bottom of the keg fridge. When the keg is down a few litres I crack it and add the leftover beer. Never noticed a problem.
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    Mashing In....and Out....what The?

    Hey pok... Dont let the scientists scare you off. All grain is easy. I have mashed anywhere between 61-69C with a water/grain ratio between 2.2 to 3, mashed between 40 - 90 minutes, sparged between 70 to 80C and boiled from 60 to 100 minutes. There are optimums for all stages depending on what...
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    Mashing In....and Out....what The?

    1. Heat HLT to perhaps 76C. Experience will tell 2.Add 76C water ro crushed grain in your mash tun 3 Adjust temp to 66 with cold or hot water (you have just mashed in) 4 wait an hour and check temp occasionally 6 Raise temp with boiling water to 75-78C stare at it for a few minutes then sparge...
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    Venison Sausages

    I've made roo sausages a few times and have found that 25-30% fatty pork and/or bacon bits is needed or they are too dry. I should imagine your deer would be exactly the same.
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    Gassing Keg Without C02 Connected

    If you fermented at 20C, you will have theoretically 0.83 volumes of Co2 disolved in your beer at end of ferment. You are looking for about 2.5 volumes so you must force in another 2.5- 0.8 = 1.7 volumes or 32 litres of gas in a 19L cornie. If you have 1 litre of head space pressurised to 200kpa...
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    Gassing Keg Without C02 Connected

    Just search for the standard "Ross" method of gassing kegs and you will be drinking it in mere moments
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    As long as you dont pinch it and are prepared to spend lots of money on couplers and connectors and back braces.