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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Mixing Beers

    I mix all the time. If I need a keg or fridge space that is being occupied by a lousy 3 or 4 litres of beer I transfer to a partially full keg by using a length of PVC tube that is a diameter that fits tightly into the beer tap then pump it across in a couple of minutes. Also, being a none too...
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    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Participants: 1. Guest Lurker 2. Katie 3. Kook 4. Doogiechap 5. WitWonder 6. Goat 7. ausdb 8. Mika 9. Randyrob - Nein Lives! 10. Tony M
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    Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

    I tell you mate, when I first started coming here 11? years ago, a pint was about 80c and is now about $2.20. A pack of pipe tobacco was around $3.50 and is now $12.00. The country is going to rack and ruin. How do they expect an old pensioner to swan about the world if they keep doing that.
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    Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

    Have just answered my own question. I was going for an early morning ramble along a country lane about ten miles outside Prague this morning, breakfasting off wild plums and apples, when I came across some hops growing wild along your stock standard four strand wire fence. They were doing very...
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    Cheap Ag Set Up For Sale In Perth

    Dave, This might be a bit off topic, but I read your post and I was assailed with a wave of disappointment. Look at your member number. You were one of the founding fathers and you are still young enough to have a sound liver. Dont give up on us now. Don't abandon the important things in life...
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    Strange Road Markings, Aliens Among Us?

    Back in the sixties, the biggest income source for our police was the amphometer. It consisted of two rubber tubes streched accross the road at a precice distance and connected to a timer. That device was replaced by radar, but fifteen or twenty years ago, the local cops dug one out of the...
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    Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

    I grow a bit of stuff in hydroponics and you can relax in the knowledge that the roots grow in a media such as perlite that is just kept moist by flooding with the nutrient then immediately draining several times a day. I grow in a glasshouse and whilst this gives me good protection from coastal...
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    Lots Of Brewing Books For Sale

    Dont try and fool us Rob, you need every bit of info they will impart. Cheers from Prague
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    One For Old-timers, Why Did Home Brewing Get Legalized?

    I can only go back to 1963 when I used 5 ingredients. The recipe was 2lb cane sugar, 2lb Fauldings malt extract (cheaper at the grocers than the chemist), 2oz hops, a tablespoon of dried "brewers yeast" and four gallons of water. I'm damned if I can remember boiling anything (it was many...
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    Where Is The Most Remarkable Place You've Had A Pint Of Guinness?

    In Ireland about 20 years ago, in too many pubs to remember. I never crossed the border into Ulster as it was truly dark territory then, but I'm sure there is no such thing as a bad guinness anywhere on that island. I think that the music, the camaraderie (once it was determined that we were not...
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    I Want To Make Snags !

    I use a #10 and it can take all my meagre strength to turn it. It will swing thru 5kg of meat in no time at all. It's a bit like a grain crusher; I could do my grain in 5 minutes instead of 8 if I went more hi-tech, but what's the point. The #10 has a 55mm dia. feed screw. I also have a vintage...
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    I Want To Make Snags !

    I'm pretty sure that that number designates the physical size of the machine. 42 bucks landed on your doorstep is a cheap way of determining if you really want to become a sausagineer. My hand cranker is cast iron and extremely robust. It needs to be, for sometimes I need two hands on the crank...
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    2009 Cryer Malt Perth Royal Beer Show Results

    Did the organisers include the amateur entries in the judging for best overall? or weren't they game!
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    Tobacco Beer

    In the early days of of the colony in NSW when hops were rarely available, desperate brewers tried all sorts of stuff to bitter their brews including tobacco and the local Australian flora. Mmmm, eucalyptus ale!
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    Co2 Tanks In Perth

    The last $20.00 refill of my 3.5kg fire extinguisher lasted me just on a year. The year saw 24 kegs and a couple of runs on the CPBF which is a bit of a gas gobbler.
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    Big Stock Pot V's 50l Keg

    Whatever is easiest for you. A stockpot comes with a lid which is really handy. Both need a thread welded in fotr the valve . The concave bottom of the keg may leave more wort behind. The keg might be stolen. I'm sure this list will get longer and longer with as many pros' as cons'.
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    Gruen Transfer Tonight

    and here it is. Its 16 minutes but the ad is in the first minute and then they just waffle on for the remainder.
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    Internet Censorship

    Couldnt sleep last night so I got up at 4.30am and thought I'd bake some sweet buns for breakfast, being retired and all that. I fired up the computer and googled "cinnamon buns". The link below was the result. So dont send your 12 year old budding chefs off to the net without a quick look. I...
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    The Bittering Hop Addition Imparts Flavour?

    I have been using "Pride +" for a lot of ale bittering. Is that the same animal as your "Superpride"?
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    Violence In Pubs

    Was always a regular pub goer from 1962 until children curbed the old lifestyle. I never saw one fight; got assailed by poofters a couple of times so maybe I frequented the wrong pubs. Saw lots of guys spew and collapse in a heap but they were only damaging themselves. We spent many a night in...