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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    19l Corny With Pinprick Hole In The Side....

    I repaired a steel petrol jerrycan at least 10 years ago using Devcon. The jerry is used regularly and the repair is yet to fail. If you sanded the affected area both inside and out and applied a patch both inside and out, I am confident it will be good. Make sure the surface is clean and dry...
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    Where To Find S/s Springs ?

    Nev, One of my mates left a tap on last month and dumped a keg on the laundry floor. I went thru the the junk box and found a SS spring which is 11mm OD X 17mm long with wire thickness of 1mm. A 4KG load closes the spring by 10mm. It works a treat. I haven't a clue what brand my taps are . I...
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    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    Ive lost a month somewhere. I guess a week in CC is better than nothing.----or I could throw a handful of saaz plugs into an Aussie lager I've had for a while and call it CZ Pils
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    How Much Beer Will A 16g Co2 Bulb Serve?

    16 grams of CO2 fills 8 litres of space at normal temp and pressure and a lot less at 4 or 5C, so Peteoz would be right and if the beer wants to take up more gas, you could use more.
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    Concerns Of Copper Wort Chiller Leaching Copper

    Anecdotal evidence I know, but-------You have seen those old codgers wearing copper armbands or bracelets to help their arthrytis. Well, I have been brewing in copper for six years and at about the end of year two, my arthrytis disappeared and has never returned. If the copper kills me, at least...
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    I'm Getting Hitched! - To Serve Homebrew At A Reception Or Not

    If your friends drink your beer now and hold out their glass for more, then your beer is the choice for the wedding; but if they just drink one glass, politely tell you it's fine then reach for a can from their esky, then stick to what they like and buy your beer, otherwise you'll get talked...
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    Hop Bittering Aroma Percentage

    Okay, there are some sums to do in conjunction with those tables. Hop weight (gm.) = (Target IBU X Volume of wort at end of boil.) divided by (10 X Alpha Acid of hops X Utilisation (from the tables)). So if you want a beer with 27 IBU of bitterness and a little hop flavour, go to the tables and...
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    Hop Bittering Aroma Percentage

    Tinseth tables will tell you all. Utilization Table Decimal Alpha Acid Utilization vs. Boil Time and Wort Original Gravity Boil Original Gravity Time 1.030 1.040 1.050 1.060 1.070 1.080 1.090 1.100 1.110 1.120 1.130 (min) 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000...
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    Serious Tinnies

    Well, that stuff is designed to soak up piss
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    The Earl Of Spencer Albany

    Somewhere in this totally cluttered house of mine I have an advertisment for that pub which was printed around 100 years ago when it was Nesbitts tavern. Ale was 4d a pint. I used to knock around with the family when I was a kid in the 40's & 50's. I think that that family ran a butchers shop...
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    Carbonation Right Out Of Primary Fermenter... Problem?

    Depending on your fermentation temp, there will be gas in your beer at end of fermentation and you should use this knowledge when doing your priming calcs. Read this. remember though that if the beer warms up after ferment and before capping, (ie...
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    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    That is true. I just filled one up to overflowing with water and it weighed 741 grams on my chinese hop scales, but if you fill it to a civilised 50mm from the top, you get 700gm. I must say that a couple of last year's offerings had 700ml of beer and about another 100ml gas at about 10...
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    How Much Are You Getting Out Of A Sodastream Bottle?

    A sodastream bottle holds 330gm of gas which is 150 litres of CO2. If you are running at 1 1/2 atmospheres (8psi) you should have in theory 5 cornies of gas available if you are naturally carbonating. When I was doing this, I usually managed 3 kegs, but I was running at a slightly higher...
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    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    The PETS are only 700ml so that gives a couple of tastes and an odd dribble
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    Serious Tinnies

    I saw these in a prague supermarket. They are as large as a 50L keg but contain 20L beer. As they are self contained, I presume there is gas storage within. I dont know how they chill them as it would hardly slip into the fridge. 790 crowns is about $55AUD.
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    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2009

    I'll let you know what it's like in the new year. I'm saving that and Dougies for Christmas.
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    Single Malt Scotch Whisky

    Always took mine with a single ice cube but spent a few sessions at the Whisky club in Leith, the port at Edinburg, where they serve only cask strength with a jug of water. It was a real education to firstly sample such a large and diverse range of whiskies, mostly completely unheard of by us...
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    Burner Thread - Yes Another One

    I'll concur with Phrak. I have a 4 ring and rarely use the outside ring as all it does is heat up the garage ceiling. I stoke it up when there is a good cover of wort on the boiler base and by the time the sparge is finished, the kettle is only about ten minutes short of the boil. From start of...
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    Glass Hopped Beer

    A good beer in Prague is at U Parliamentu, on the corner of Valentinska and Kaprova, over the road from our daughter's apartment. The food and beer is good and not a ripoff. Keep away from the Irish and Pommie bars. You will have a good time and talk english, but the beer is 3X the cost. If you...
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    Due For A Beer

    I cant see beer on that list, but congratulations anyway