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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Hop Sock Alternatives

    This is a great device for hop flowers. It's a couple of 6" strainers from Ikea, hinged with zip ties and with a little stainless clip to hold the handles together. It is suspended in the cooker with a bit of wire so you can get it back for later additions without boiling your fingers. When you...
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    Cleaning With H2o Mop?

    After saying I had no idea what this device was, I discovered the flash little red machine in my wife's cleaning cupboard (dark territory) was in fact what the discussion was all about. I have been having a bit of trouble with infection so I gave the steam mop a trial in the fermenter for the...
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    Cleaning With H2o Mop?

    I have no idea what a H2O mop is, but fermenters are usually polyethylene which has a max working temp of 120C and a melting point of 130C
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    Continuing Jokes Thread

    The last time I logged on, this thread was up to page 26. It's a great thread to read as it doesn't degenerate into stupid inane bickering by about the tenth post. Keep up the good work jokers.
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    Temperature Controlled Fridge For Sale (perth)

    Doug, I use one of those for fermenting. It's bloody brilliant
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    Bulk Buy In Perth

    West Coast brewers is in the middle of a grain buy at the moment. Look up their website and go along to the next meeting. The buy is members only, but they are always keen to enrol new members and your $70 will get you lots of good clues from a great bunch of people as well as good prices on...
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    Cheap Post Mix Kegs On Graysonline

    Yes, then there is 13.5% buyer premium then 10% GST brings it up to $410. Still, 50 bux a keg is good, especially with those two small ones which always seem to cost a fortune.
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    The Dreaded Osmosis

    I fought osmosis for 30 years when I had the fibreglass factory and when I retired I thought I would never see it again, but the inside of my beer freezer conversion has suffered badly all around the condensation zone. Five years ago, this appliance looked brand new and now look at it. Oh well...
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    Okay, I have now stripped this motor down completely and there is not a single mechanical contrivance in it. No switches, centrifugal or otherwise. Not even brushes, so can anybody tell me why this thing changes it's mind at the least suggestion of a load
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    I scrounged a 240V industrial roller door motor so decided to totally rebuild my grain mill and do the things I should have done over the past eight years and also incorporate this motor. The label has gone apart from "Made in Australia" so I cant tell much about it except the motor dimensions...
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    Vacuum Packer

    Just noticed that the 24 hour special today at is a vacuum packer and a few bags thrown in. Price is 50 bux. (no affiliation etc.) Look it up if interested. You'll save more than that by bulk buying your hops.
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    Eagle Bay Brewing Co.

    They wouldn't even give us a look-in. Admittedly they were full as it was the Leeuwin weekend and they were flat out, but a little politeness would have got us back.
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    Are These Bottles Safe To Use?

    That face is the gasket face, so if there are any chips that go right across the surface from inside to outside, I reckon you could have the potential for a leak.
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    Wheat Beer With A Dash Of Cordial.

    When I was in Pommieland a few years ago, there were all these old drinkers hanging onto the bar drinking pink beer. Out of curiosity, I asked what it was, but all I got were icy stares (they must have thought I was a Yank). I eventually came across a friendly barman who told me they were adding...
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    Chest Freezer Query

    The paint is blistering on the inside of my keg freezer. Oh for a stainless one!!
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    Cold Smoking

    For anybody interested who may be building a smoke generator, I rebuilt this thing so I have a straight pipe easy to clean. I also reduced the air tube from 13mm to 6mm which gave a much higher velocity and good performance with much less air needed. The sooting problems was caused by the Tassie...
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    Cold Smoking

    There's a thought Bizier, I was using american oak buzzer chips which I had for a couple of years and everything was good. The second time I used the same but we had a helluva lot of rain and everything was damp including the wood chips so I changed to tassie oak of unknown history, but perhaps...
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    Cold Smoking

    I made this smoke generator and it was very effective, but I'm having trouble with the smoke tube sooting up after only 4 or 5 hours operation. this impedes the airflow sufficiently to stop it working and the curved pipe is impossible to clean. I need expert advice from those people who have...
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    Is It Possible For Kegs To Get Infected?

    I kegged 40 litre in two kegs a few months ago and one drank really well whilst the other had a slight sourness to it ,so I guess it was a badly sanitised keg.
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    Colour Too Dark Using Jw Pils

    I brew lagers with JW pils and 3 or 4% carapils all the time and the colour is around 2 to 3 SRM so I would say you burnt something, tho I know nothing about candi sugar. maybe it isn't as clear as they say.