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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    2 Dolla Cleanskins At Murpheys

    I purchased a ctn of red and white of these about a month ago and was pleasantly surprised. They wouldnt take off the gold, but they ran rings around a $4.00 per litre cask I threw down the sink recently.
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    Oyster Stout Anyone Done It?

    Crundle, talk to sinkas (half a dozen posts back) He made one for the Sandgropers Xmas swap and it was a ripper. I have spent most of my entire life on, in or at least within earshot of the ocean and Sinkas definitely captured a little of it and expertly combined it in his stout.
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    Ag Setup For Sale

    You might be surprised as you could possibly get a backload rate from there.
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    Free , Free

    I go there often. I can get my brothers Jack or David to grab them
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    Useless Dry Yeast Facts #374

    You murder the yeast if you try and freeze it hydrated. The dried yeast that pete is referring to has no water in it to freeze so nothing to blow up the cell with expanding ice. This is handy info from Pete. I once bought a large container of bread yeast which worked great for a couple of weeks...
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    Is The Www Getting Worse?

    I think that you are just getting a bit old, impatient and generally grumpy Ian.
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    Bread Yeast As Yeast Nutrient

    There is a place in Perth and Fremantle called Kakulis Bros and they have a great tub of about 1/2 M3 labeled brewers yeast and sells for 3-4 bux a kilo from memory. I presume it is that dead stuff, there for the healthy people to have for breakfast, (or feed their dogs).
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    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Paddy applies for a job with the local farrier. " Paddy, have you had any experience shoeing horses?" "No" says Paddy, "but I once told a donkey to feck off!"
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    Has Anyone Made A Smoker?

    Katie, I occasionally slip out into the sound from Freo and collar me a couple of dozen herring which filletted , pickled in a sweet brine for a couple of hours then smoked gently for an hour or so are usually the hit of the party. I have done the same with local mullet purchased from the fish...
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    Flat Vs Round Heat Exchange Coils

    Let me put it in pictures for you. I did this with an old pair of multigrips that I ground the grippy bits off.
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    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Two men are out just fishing quietly and drinking beer. Almost silently, so as not to scare the fish, Bob says, 'I think I'm gonna divorce my wife. She hasn't spoken to me in over 2 months.' Earl continues slowly sipping his beer then thoughtfully says, 'You better think it over, Bob. Women...
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    The Sausage Thread

    I was having this trouble trying to stuff on the second grind so I gave it a sharpen by lapping both the cutter and the plate with a sheet of 280grit wet & dry laid on a sheet of glass to ensure everything stayed flat. I also screwed up the retaining ring tighter than I had been. As a result I...
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    Sandgroper Case Info

    GL, I think you just took a photo of my sample which I have rushed into cold storage. I have never seen the bottle bottom fail like that before.
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    Aussie Craftbrew No Match In The World Market

    It seems obvious that the beer generally won't rate unless it's been passed by the Ministry of Silly Names. Even if you just call it beer in an impossibly difficult language, that'll sway the voters.
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    Has Anyone Made A Smoker?

    I ferment in one of those and have been waiting years for it to die so I can have a bigger ferment fridge and the best smoke box there is.
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    Has Anyone Made A Smoker?

    Just to throw a spanner etc, I thought the surface of the meat should be free of sauces and marinades to ensure good penetration of the smoke flavour. That is how I always do it. Please correct me if I have been labouring under a misapprehension.
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    Synthetic Sausage Casings

    I took Fraser John's advice and really understuffed these casings. I think flaccid is the consistency you must seek. Enid, my wife and sausage puller, really had them flying off the spigot to the extent that they appeared only 2/3 full, but when we twisted them up into links, it was enough to...
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    Synthetic Sausage Casings

    I've made snags for many years but always with natural casings. I thought I would try some 30mm synthetic ones, so just ground up and spiced 5kg of pork and stuffed half a metre of casing and threw straight onto the barbeque to check the spice balance. Well, the bloody things split in about two...
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    Fwh Adds More Bitterness Than 60mins, My Observation

    Promash indicates about a 10% drop in bitterness with FWH and about a 30% drop with mash hopping. If I'm using flowers, I usually mash hop with an appropriate increase in hop wt. as it makes draining the boiler so much easier. The resultant beer always exhibits the soft and more refined...
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    Thermometer May Just Be Rubbish

    I purchased 3 of these from ikea as they were 12.95 ea and I need a couple for cooking. I did the purecrushed melting ice/ boiling distilled water temp test on these and another from grain and grape that I have used for several years and only one of the ikea ones varied from the norm and that...