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  1. Z

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi kwinchee Dblunn is correct. If you get 85 it usually means you have let the smoke escape and you need a new probe. But if the onewire shows correct temp then that will not be the case. I assume you are trying to upgrade the firmware to the latest ArdBir release. When you go to compile...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi all Braumiser controller users. I have seen a few people blow up an Arduino or more and thought this article may point out just how fragile they can be. Those guys make a "tougher" version but as the R3 can be bought for $6 and a...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi SBOB There are many GND pins on the Arduino R3 and even more on a MEGA I suggest you print a page like this The actual input we use is called Vin and is connected to the power in socket (green 2 pin at the left hand bottom corner of the shield board) + pin...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi SBOB Your terminology makes me laugh and cringe all at once! -12 as you call it is actually 0v or gnd or common. Yes the cap will / can stuff up your measurements as it charges from the voltmeter when you measure. The 12 v does go to the transistor that drives the relay and maybe the...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi SBOB Well the 12v goes directly from the power in socket on the shield board to a capacitor and then around the edge of the board directly to the Vin pin. So not much to go wrong there. So there could be a few explanations for the problem 1 the power in circuitry on the Mega is at fault 2...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi SBOB Thats no good. I assume it hasbeen working for some months now? The 12 v goes to the Arduino board and is stepped down on that board to the 5v. I would suspect could be the Arduino board. They do fail. If you have a spare you could swap but otherwise I will dig mine out tonight and...
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    WTB Keg lid, oval for AEB

    Hi fellow keggers I need a keg lid for an AEB keg. The one I have has no pressure release and that spells trouble. Ideally would like an AEB brand one but a Cornelius one will do with the pressure release valve in the lid. As long as all the bits are there I will clean and replace the o...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    No worries Mark I will get my board infront of me tonight and make some suggestions as to what to measure. The possible suspect is the transistor that switches the relay on and off. There are jumpers for 5 and 12volts on some boards as there was a choice of relays way back. That will need to...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Smokomark Do you have the board powered by USB cable or the 12v power supply? The relay / pump circuit uses the 12v to switch the relay on so it will not switch if powered by the USB cable. The heater circuit uses 5v so usually it will work on USB power. I still need to know what...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Smokomark Have you run setup? Plea see the comments above and advise the he same answers please. Experience etc. I assume when you say both LEDS work, that they are both bent same way and work in H but not in P? You have not altered the arduino mega as it was sent out by Lael and myself...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi LesPaul As Marc380 says there is a small leakage through the snubber cct. So if no load you may not see a change in voltage. Try putting a load on the output. A simple lightglobe would be enough. Oh and the SSRs do not click. The relay makes an audible click when it switches on and off...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi lespaul Ok, this has been asked and answered before. I need to know your level of experience with 240v The test equipment available, Spares available, If you are in sydney and not too far from Parramatta then a visit may be possible and can sort it.. First thing is to get the LEDs both...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi eucyblues The code is "straight" Ardbir which was all originally based on Matho's system When you go to load it there are some selections in the code you need to make as the basic code supports several versions of boards and display sizes and languages. The instructions are in the users...
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    FS - stainless beer taps

    What brand are they? James Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Mini Keg Growler EOI

    Hi Yob Hate to do it but can you take me off the reserve list please. Thanks James Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Hi and you are in the right place Mine is a 50litre pot and a bigW 19litre malt pipe. I bought a few bits of plate for the filtre and then a metre odd of stainless mesh to go over the plates. I started with a thin perforated plate with bracing and it worked ok. Now I have a thicker top plate...
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    Mill Motors

    I too had a laugh. For me I hate ringing most call centres as they usually have cheat sheets and ask you to do mundane things I know will make absolutely no difference. I too get calls from customers and right away I can sense what they really want, free XXXXX etc. but when I try and cut to...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi Nealk SSR counterfeit 25A Fotek there are many other sites and some look to be lower amperage versions relabeled to higher current. I use other brand ones in my...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi Nealk Yep that does not look the best. A quick google brings up hits about fake 25A fotek SSRs It is possible that the SSR you have is not an original? I actually am still running my original SSRs that I have had for almost 30 years and they are still good but I have a 2000w element...