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  1. Z

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Terragady Electromagnetic! Our circuit just uses a transistor to turn 12v on and off to actuate the buzzer. So probably almost any buzzer will work. The one we actually used is piezo buzzer and is very loud which is good when you are busy but a bit noisy if you are brewing late at night...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi claypot The reason the relay was on the board was to support people using the LBP little brown pump or similar 12v pumps. But could also be used for 240vac pumps. Switching the 12vdc pump was ok but switching 240vac it depended on what point of the cycle the voltage was at when the relay...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Claypot Just wondering if you left the relay and just triggered the SSR from the input that drives the relay or did you use the relay to switch 12v or 5v to drive the SSR? I guess it will work either way but the first would be better. Glad it works Zwitter James Sent from my iPad using...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi I have the Chronical7 but the thermo well is probably identical. I actually use a brewpi to control the fridge for fermentation. The brewpi has many temp sensors of the one-wire type. I got one of the probes and put thermo pase in the thermo well and then pushed the probe down to the end...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi dca That is not incorporating into a Matho's controller. That is just a controller based on a Pi. If you want that then there are many alternatives to Arduino. Why when Arduino is so cheap would you want to use anything else? I rather like the BCS controllers but the Matho was designed at a...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi dca That is not incorporating into a Matho's controller. That is just a controller based on a Pi. If you want that then there are many alternatives to Arduino. Why when Arduino is so cheap would you want to use anything else? I rather like the BCS controllers but the Matho was designed at a...
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    Matho's controller

    In a word NO! You could use a Pi in a brewpi setup to control the fermentation temp of a fridge. I have several PIs and they are all on the home network and ported to the WEB. one is Brewpi connected to Arduino via Bluetooth, one is a power monitoring setup connected to several Arduinos via...
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    EOI Brew Wash Powder

    Hi I am interested in 2 or 3 kg to Sydney, can pickup Willoughby James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Soda Stream Adapter and Reg

    I am in for one adapter Maybe will fill in spread sheet friday Cheers James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Mill Motors

    Hey Husky No problem, you will have time for a second drink during the crush ;) James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi Shibby I would suggest some food grade lube too. I have the racking adapter for the sanitary fittings on my chronical7 and it turns so much better if there is some lube on the sanitary fittings and orings. Cammo6 I always turn the racking arm to face down during the ferment and then up if...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi Welly2 I purchased my butterfly valves same place They work really well easy enough to strip down and can buy replacement parts. When they first arrived one of the nuts was missing but an easy bit to replace. I bought 2 but then actually not...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi Dj L3thal Ok so I took a photo of my valve and where I bought it from Hope that helps. James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi welly2 Just wondering if you have loaded up a Chronical and then opened the bottom valve? Ok on mine I have butterfly valves ant it empties in just a handful of seconds! But what you say is correct just open and flow until clear! I would suggest a clean container incase you need to put...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi DJ_L3thal Really? I have a sanitary sample valve and 1/2" silicone is a good tight fit no clamps? Admittedly I would not have any great pressure as it is used to do a gravity feed to kegs with about 2-3 psi co2 pressure in the fermenter just to keep the O2 away. I can photo and measure my...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi 2much2spend I posted earlier in this thread the place I purchased butterfly valves from in the USA. Not the cheapest though but the dollar was more favorable back then. I did buy sample valve with sanitary/triclover mount from China and elbows and T fittings and they have all been good...
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Hi Meathead I actually have a spotwelder if you are in Sydney I could have a go at reattaching the handle? James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    I have Chronical7 and only ever use a blow off into a tall thin jug with starsan in it. I have had yeast everywhere when doing a wheat beer as they just go mad really quickly but was not a problem with the blow off. I use low pressure CO2 pressure to keep O2 away when transferring and actually...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Malt Junkie I have 2 malt pipes too. One is the Big W19 litre and I have a second that is slightly smaller diameter but about 1.5 times taller and probably fit huge amount in that too. Problem is it just that it all gets compressed at the top and blocks up sometimes I have wort fountains. I...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Claypot Yep the controller keeps going. Just does not tell you what it is doing. Yeah sorry Malt Junkie that day was a bit of a blur. A good blur but still a blur. Actually my tape guns are still at Laels. Mine has never scambled and now with the SSR probably never will. My only issue...