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  1. Z

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi ramu gupta Does the temp probe actually read the temperature? In manual mode you need to set the temp and that must be higher than the current temperature for the element to be turned on. It is not just an on and off function it is a PID temperature controlled heating. James Zwitter...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi lionman This was designed for a single vessel. It controls the temp and time for the mash stages and the pump circulation. Then it controls the boil with time alarms for the hop additions. There are other variations possible but that is the basic function. The version Lael and others put...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey No problems. Amazing how often people forget the. Setup. Try reprogramming the mega or buy another one on ebay or just use the uno. You are most welcom James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Barneey Is the volt meter you have a digital type? I wonder if you can put it on AC voltage range and then measure the 12v dc for me. It will measure the AC ripple. This should be almost zero. James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barney DId you run through setup and set the basics? Buttons should not be reversed. Hold the button for setup mode for 2 seconds. Try plugging in temp when the unit is off and then turn on and see if it registers? James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey Ok I found the same board and have it on the bench here working fine. Uno is what I am using as it happens. Did you choose all the options before compiling for the board type language and LCD etc? That version had the individual wires on the switches that did have a habit of coming...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey You said that when powering the board with USB you see the Software boot up? Version? If it boots then carefully check the 5v. Can check from the ground pin of the 12v input and the 5v end of the 12v or 5v selection jumper near relay or pin 2 of the LCD or the pin marked 5v of the...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey Ok I see photo now. That is a later board but I know which one you have now. The 5v is derived from the 12 on the arduino. Are you running 2.8.3x4en Ard Bir? On an Arduino? Is the Arduino an Uno R3? Or a mega or ? James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Malt junkie Hey mike what is this board you speak of with a yellow 7805 behind the relay? On the shield the yellow thing next to the relay is a 250vac capacitor that is part of the snubber circuit to stop the screen scramble issue when using a 240vac pump. There is a 5 v regulator and I...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey Are the transistors all in one straight line on the board or are two together and the third right over by itself on the edge of the board? Problem is they all seem to be version 1 James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey Ok that sets the scene nicely. What connector is on the temp probe connection? The round multi pin one? Is the wiring all neat with no exposed bare wire that could short out anywhere? One of the changes I made to the later version was to put a resistor in the positive power...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey Has the unit been completed and used in a system successfully? Is this one of the most recent units as sold by Lael? Is it permanently fitted to the system? I ask just to get current status and a context for problems. I assume that you have it apart to plug the USB power in? When...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi Futur Ok I think you need to adjust your P, I & D values in setup. There are several brief guides to help set the values. They change the speed to reach the temp and by how much you will over shoot by and the hysteresis or how soon it heats again.. I mess with mine often. In fact maybe...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Jase Did you run through ALL the setup section? This is mandatory! A common problem is not choosing electric for the heat. It defaults to gas in 2.8.3 Your photo shows that the temp connection has the resistor in the wires. This was something I introduced to stop the problems when plugging...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hey bigmacthepunker In your setup is heat mode gas or electric? James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Matho's controller

    Hi futur Lael's kit is electric NOT gas. Change that to electric and then set all parameters again. Then give it a try James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Matho's controller

    Hi Futur No but I would suggest you double check ALL the setup parameters. And then post the details here so the version and the variants you have like language, LCD, PCB, type of settings in the PID, etc and then we can try to replicate what you are seeing Cheers James Zwitter Sent from my...
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    Matho's controller

    Hi Malt junkie Nah all good mate and I may have slightly more free time than Lael. All good. Zwitter James Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Matho's controller

    Hey Nosco A little respect please for the years of development across the globe for the great Mathos controller and beyond. I personally know of people who put incredible amounts of time and money into developing this controller. Both hardware and software have come an amazing way for a...