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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Z

    Mini Keg Bulk Buy MKIV

    Hi Zorco I bought 2 of the 2 litre growler size and love them. But i a Have noticed that some of the disconnects I have do not fit the out posts. Try as I might they just do not go on. The two metal ones do go on but none of the cornelius original plastic ones? Is this just me? I also have...
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    Portable Immersion Water Heating Element

    I have one and it is 30 years or so old. I have had to replace the cord as the element heats up the connectors. It is a good idea to check the screw terminals do not become loose or get wet as that will shorten the life. They do get very warm at the handle and if you drop the whole thing in...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Meddo Outputs yes there are many possibilities. But none are simple or easy. If you want to make software changes then you could have an external display and send as much data as you like. There are some nice oled displays around now and very cheap. There is the onewire bus on the...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Meddo Interesting idea, never tried. These temp sensors are really cool in their design. They are designed to have 3 wires positive supply, ground and data. That data line is multi drop so you can connect a couple of hundred sensors in parallel and they will all communicate with a unique...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    So $1000 plus shipping? I can buy a lot of beer for that. Mind it would last forever. James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Hi Liquid Currency Yeah they do make bigger plate heat exchangers that allow bolts to be undone and the plates can be separated and cleaned but not little ones they are usually a metre long and weigh a couple of hundred kilos. I was told never to let it dry unless it was totally clean. Also to...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Matt 253525 Nah, can look it up but then if you have a spare you will have both parts anyway? Red +5 Black Gnd Yellow is data As to which on which pin can not remember but as Imsay is probably on here in build threads or can just look at the one you have. If you really get stuck I could...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Hi Marc I actually wrote a fair bit of the build thread that is published here. My setup is constantly changing and evolving. I actually put a post up recently loisting all the changes. Most recent is a new return pipe and will be testing that later today I hope. Still recovering from last...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Meddo Patience my good man. Nope no sign of them yet. James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Hi again eresh666 How big is your pot? Mine is 50 litres and Imstarted with one 2400w element and it was very slow to heat and boil was weak. I resorted to an over the side 2400 second element. About a month back I finally finished installing a second element in the base same as first. So now...
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    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Hi eresh666 Really that is something only you can answer. Mine has two of elements like their "double ring ones" and the holes are bigger than 3/8. I bought them locally from Tobins and bent them to shape. They cost about $100 each delivered. James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Meddo The resistor is in the socket half of the brauduino cable. I am reasonably sure that you could just use the harness with resistor in it and should work fine. Otherwise a socket can be bought on ebay or at Jaycar or similar and just wire that up. Just get the connections correct or...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Meddo If your probe is the one supplied with the Brauduino kit then it is a DS18b20 not a pt100 If you go to ebay and search for " 18b20 display" you will get all sorts of displays with alarms and other options. From less than $10 James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Hi Liquidcurrency Mine keeps getting better. Just did an AIPA on Saturday to test the latest changes. I just added a second element into the rig so now have 2 x 2400w elements. I now have a much faster temperature rise and a really good rolling boil. I still have issues with the grain...
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    EOI Oxygen scavenging caps/crown seals

    Hi A question about them Do they need to be stored in an inert gas or vacuum etc? Just we have similar things at work and once they are opened they have a short period they must be used by as they start absorbing O2 straight away. I generally keg but do see there could be some value in this...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Resistors for temp probes Actually there are 2 resistors for the temp probe circuitry. The one on the board is to pull the data line high as the probe (DS18b20) has an open collector output. The other built into the socket wiring is in the positive wire in series as a current limiting device...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barneey As above the resistor is to prevent the temp sensor from being blown up as it is connected or disconnected. This was more of an issue specifically with the 2.5mm stereo plug / socket. But it cant hurt either. So if you are going to hard wire or connect when off and not plug or...
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Ramu-Gupta Yes is an18b20 the exact version I do not know. There are various tolerance versions but all work the same. The resistor is to limit the current in the power positive lead. With the concentric plug it shorts out when inserted and removed and that could damage the sensor. So I...
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    EOI hop rhizomes.

    Hi Interested in hersbruker and fuggles. I am in Sydney so would go express post and wrap in something to kep them moist? James Zwitter Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Hi Barney Scrambled screen was a bad problem early on in this controllers history. Firstly the fault is scrambled LD but the software does keep running in the background. We put a snubber circuit on the relay contacts as we found it was switching 240v pumps that caused the problem. We...