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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    Thanks to our generous sponsors - 4 groups 1st $100 gift voucher 2nd $50 gift voucher 3rd $25 gift voucher for each group as attached. P1 Grand Prize(s) details to follow P1
  2. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    Not long before entries are due!! Now I expect that most of you are only entering for the valuable feedback and if you place and get a prize that is a bonus. Enough teasing stay tuned for more updates over the next week Cheers P1
  3. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    OK Please would all persons who would like to judge/steward advise if you are BJCP and PM me to confirm that you are available. Thanks P1
  4. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    "Hi, just a quick question with the forms for entering. I assume that the entry No. section should be left blank. For you guys to fill in? correct The Group - I can see the groupings but there are no names, I would assume Strong Ales, Dark Strong Ales, Bocks and Belgian Strong Ales??? Are you...
  5. Korev

    Nsw Amateur Brewing Competition

    Excellent news - will the competition be registered with the BJCP? Cheers Peter
  6. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    Guys, Probably the time to consider brewing this weekend for the ESB Winter Warmer comp ~12 weeks for a strong ale/(lager) to condition probably around the minimum time to knock the rough edges off Cheers P1
  7. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    I will need contributions towards my water bill - Archimedes' Principle For a bonus I can turn the solar heating into reverse Icebergs anyone? So how does two judging sessions sound Morning 10:00 start 13:00 Lunch Afternoon 14:00 - till finished P1
  8. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    Ah - well spotted the clerical error. Looks like some good sponsors again this year - will let you all know when confirmed along with what you COULD WIN if bARRY slips up!!! P1
  9. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    BS - My daughter did the site - note some of bARRY's recipes are there as well. Mike - what start time would suit?? Barls - perhaps next year? P1
  10. Korev

    2011 Esb Winter Warmer Homebrew Competition

    Hi Guys and Gals. It's that time again for the 2011 Extra Special Brewers Winter Warmer competition. Go to for entry forms and details. This is a BJCP registered competition and with strength over 6% abv we will need lots of judges so mark your diaries Cheers P1
  11. Korev

    Advance Notice 2011 Esb Winter Warmer Competition

    Hi Guys and Girls Advance notice 2011 ESB Winter Warmer Competition. Date will be in July/Aug 2011. So to give you enough time to start on some of these styles that need some age here are the styles All AABC 2010 Classifications 8.2 ESB well not strictly 6% but the last 3 years we have...
  12. Korev

    October Meeting On 22/10 Not The Usual Last Friday Of Month

    Reminder - due to ANHC the meeting this month is tomorrow Friday 22/10 Cheers Peter
  13. Korev

    Presidential Visit

    SssssssH - Landed - 4 pines for Lunch 1 ish P1
  14. Korev

    Presidential Visit

    Bump P1
  15. Korev

    Presidential Visit

    Hi Guys, We have persuaded Gordon Strong to go to ANHC through Sydney and then a meandering road trip to Melbourne. Gordon flies in on Thurs 21 Oct. I am planning to get his body (no guarantees about his mental state) to visit the Lord by about 17:00. Hope to see a few of you there? Cheers...
  16. Korev

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    Wit - Sorry to disappoint I will be on plane on Friday. I will try to leave a couple of "also rans" at ESB for you guys to try P1
  17. Korev

    Nsw State And Castle Hill Comp 2010

    I think I might rescind that big thankyou for a much smaller one