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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Droopy Brew

    Why Red IPA?

    Simple question- simple answer- because they are ******* delicious! Take a great style like an American Amber Ale and crank everything to 11- whats not to love?
  2. Droopy Brew

    BIAB American Amber Ale

    Nope comes out pretty good. You are looking for a good balance between malt and hops. niether should dominate. I use First wort hopping and a heavy hand at whirlpool but very little if any dry hopping. By the book, the hop aroma should be low to moderate but I bump it to the moderate to high...
  3. Droopy Brew

    BIAB American Amber Ale

    Id get rid of the Munich all together- replace with Rye. For the dark crystal, use Caraaroma. Consider dropping the carared- looks to be a touch heavy on the crystal for mine- no more than 10% total Crystal I reckon.
  4. Droopy Brew

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    63 gender specific pronouns
  5. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I doubt very much they do it as an obligation but do they? They do it to feather their own nest and nothing more.
  6. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    So they are trying to stop consumers doing to them what they have done to every small retail business over the past 10 years? **** em.
  7. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Wow. What a low life money grabbing bitch. Hope she gets the boot. (assuming the article was accurate of course) 'Fighting segregation with segregation'- spot on.
  8. Droopy Brew

    Steeped Hops

    Technically yes as you are not getting isomerisation of hop oils. Your IBU calculation will remain unchanged. However in reality you will get a noticeable (depending on amount of dry hopping) increase in perceived bitterness, which lets face it , is what it is all about anyway. You dont taste...
  9. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Ahh ok. I thought I had posted a recipe somewhere but couldn't recall anything near what you were doing. But the name- I missed that.
  10. Droopy Brew

    Sludge in all grain

    On the contrary I've heard pretty much every homebrewer I know refer to it as trub so I don't really see your point. It is a general term used in brewing as stated.
  11. Droopy Brew

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Competition 2017

    So with regards to the categories and placing, it is a bit confusing. Looking at the club results there are many more first, second and third places tallied than there are actual categories. I assume this is because the categories have multiple sub-categories, for example Bitter has English...
  12. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Also check you local laws. In qld they cant set up the flash for cash within 300m of the change of speed sign on a decrease and 150m of an increase. Not sure if school zones are an exception but.
  13. Droopy Brew

    Come on, we've all been there..

    Her arse obviously wasnt as beautiful as yours Dave. You would have fairly been shitting once half a dozen firies came in the door too I imagine.
  14. Droopy Brew

    Stone & Wood Pacific Ale

    Well done mate, good to get an outcome you were chasing. If I can be picky and give some feedback for a sec- You certainly seem to have some carbonation there but it looks to have no head. If you are doing a hop boil and using extract cans can I suggest getting some swiss voile and steeping 250g...
  15. Droopy Brew

    Kettle Sour in a No Chill Cube.

    If you are boiling post souring I dont see an issue. As long as you do some recirc with 80C plus wort that should kill off any Lactobacillus in your pump and tubing. The other option is to insulate the urn with blankets/sleeping bags etc so that you dont need to run the pump at all. Do it well...
  16. Droopy Brew

    Come on, we've all been there..

    HAhaha. Ive heard of glazing before on tinder dates but double glazing with poo is out there. What will these crazy kids think of next?
  17. Droopy Brew

    Kettle Sour in a No Chill Cube.

    Nothing wrong with that process except keeping the cube at 35C might be difficult? Probably a much easier way is to sour it in the kettle as normal, keep the heat up around 40-42C and lay some gladwrap on the wort surface to minimise O2. The extra heat will increase the lacto production but also...
  18. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Which one was that mate? Hope it turns out good, you are brewing 100L of it!
  19. Droopy Brew

    Get into O2 guys, if you're serious about nicer beer

    A question- is there any need to move the stone around while oxygenating the wort or will it be fine just bubbling up from the same spot at the bottom of the FV? I generally move it around a bit but figure the O2 will be absorbed through the column even if it is in the same spot. Just wondering...