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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Droopy Brew

    Cheap and water efficient wort chiller setup?

    Firstly, what is the cost of the water? $3 a kL or there abouts? If you are doing this purely for a cost saving measure then do a basic cost benefit analysis. At a flow rate of 10l/min (which is on the high side, Id usually run at half that) and you are chilling for say 40 minutes (again, about...
  2. Droopy Brew

    Yeast pitched in finished beer!

    As above, it shouldnt impact flavour but give it a good cold crash before bottling so it settles out. BTW you are not looking to kill yeast- that's how you get autolysis. Bottle bombs are caused by too much sugar, not too much viable yeast. The yeast will only eat available sugars (producing...
  3. Droopy Brew

    Black Hops Hornet Clone

    If they have listed carapils why are you not using it? Replace Toffee with Carapils. Drop your early additions and up your late additions. 20% IBU at 60min 20% IBU at 20 min 10% IBU at 5min 50% IBU at whirlpool - make sure the calculator you use calculates whirlpool IBUs correctly and doesn't...
  4. Droopy Brew

    Which yeast to use to avoid banana in wheat beer

    Banana is a characteristic of a hefe. If you aren't keen on it I'd suggest a different style. American wheat perhaps. As mentioned WB06 wont give you banana unless pushed really high but I think it produces a pretty **** hefe personally. Danstar Munich is another. As goatchop said, promoting...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    Hi Peter, You can buy dry enzymes from HBS. I have only used them once back in my K&K days but it certainly did allow for more attenuative wort. Not sure specifically what enzyme- Maltase of some description I imagine. I dont try to clone beers so cant help you on an Urquel. As others have said...
  6. Droopy Brew

    Pitching dry yeast with no hydration at a commercial scale

    So 0.5g/L? Equivalent to an 11g packet in a 22L batch. Surely that is a pretty big under-pitch for a lager- about 1/3 of an ideal minimum pitch rate if my calcs are correct. Is this a scale thing? Do large scale ferments require less cells/mL/plato than small scale HB batches?
  7. Droopy Brew

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    I reckon if you are looking for a "crisper" beer like the commercials then there are a couple of ways that will have a bigger impact than ******* about with water. Not saying it doesnt play its part, I always adjust water, but going down the path of getting an RO and creating a perfect water...
  8. Droopy Brew

    Brew not bubbling

    Cant believe we are 2 pages deep into a "My airlock isnt bubbling' thread and not one post sayin 'do a search'! No references to kittens either! Times have changed. Seems your question has been answered but just for future reference, there are a couple of other indicators of active fermentation...
  9. Droopy Brew

    Coopers golden ale recipe help

    Dry hop 4 days in and it will be fine. There are a lot of different methods and timings for dry hopping but dont get carried away with that yet. I'd suggest throwing the pellets in free for the best bang for buck. Putting them in socks and removing them reduces their effectiveness IMO (exposure...
  10. Droopy Brew

    Brewing with sugar cane

    Not sure how you brew but if you use dextrose or table sugar in your brew then substitute at the same ratio. I have a mate that used to grow and crush his own and had a few of his beers and they have that very distinct molassas like flavour, a bit like the smell around a sugar mill. It wasn't...
  11. Droopy Brew

    Centennial or Victoria.

    I don't usually question you but I suspect you may be wrong here re the names? I was pretty certain Victoria and Vic Secret are 2 distinct hop varieties.
  12. Droopy Brew

    Usefulness of a hydrometer

    No do not rely on observation to determine if a beer is done or stalled etc. A HYDROMETER IS A MUST. While it wont improve your beer per se, it will allow you to understand if fermentation is done or not- which is an improvement I guess. If you are getting back into it, don't take shortcuts...
  13. Droopy Brew

    Emu export Recipe

    Commercials ferment under pressure. Fermenting at 16C with a lager yeast in a standard HB set up will give you unwanted esters. Cane sugar/dextrose- wont make much difference, they both essentially do the same thing. Yes a touch of RB can be used to adjust colour. Carafa 3 is another option.
  14. Droopy Brew

    Emu export Recipe

    Export will be pretty much the same as any commercial Aussie lager. Use 2 tins of pilsner malt liquid extract (Morgans) plus 200-500g of dextrose to get the gravity to about 1.042/44. Dex is required to get the higher attenuation typical of the beer and would be an ingredient in the EE. If you...
  15. Droopy Brew

    INKBIRD GIVEAWAY & AUD 40.14 for ITC-308 in our new AMAZON store

    Count me in for: 1) IBSTH1 MINI (Bluetooth Temp & Humidity Data Logger)
  16. Droopy Brew

    RBT MARCH Monthly Meeting

    The March meeting is planned to go ahead on Saturday the 24th to avoid the Easter long weekend. Anyone with an interest in brewing is invited to come along The meeting will start at 2pm at The Brewery (in the Malt Restaurant area) on the 24th. Bring along a beer or 2 for tastings and $5 for...
  17. Droopy Brew


    Haven't seen the PM yet Weal. Just checking to see if I've been missed.
  18. Droopy Brew

    What is this "recipe" close to? (Noob question)

    Yep with a larger yeast it would be some sort of midstrength Octoberfest/Munich lager thing maybe bordering on munich dunkle depending on how dark 200g of Caraaroma makes it.