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  1. Droopy Brew

    Careless brewer rant: underboiling & miscalculated efficiency

    Im surprised your final volumes weren't tipping you off. Did you find you were getting more in the fermenter? If it were down to low heat and hence less evaporation you should have seen an increase in the volume. If your volumes were spot on then it will be worth looking at your losses becasue...
  2. Droopy Brew

    Red Alert

  3. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    More Rye! More Rye! My Roggenbier had 60%- could stand a spoon up in it.
  4. Droopy Brew

    Where to start?

    That's it mate. So basically you do a mini boil with hops to get bitterness and flavour. Often you would steep some specialty grains for about half an hour in 65-70C water first to add colour and flavour before doing the boil. Then you add the boil to the malts and top up with water. It will...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Where to start?

    Do you have a temperature controlled chamber to ferment your wort? If not that is a first point of order- dont waste your time going into AG without a sound understanding of fermenting. Kit and kilo takes 10 minutes, AG about 5-6 hours to make wort. Either fermented at high and fluctuating...
  6. Droopy Brew

    BIAB - first go NQR

    All the above is worth looking into. My bet is your evaporation was higher than expected so you got less volume and higher gravity.
  7. Droopy Brew

    How much smoked malt to add?

    I would work on 20% as a good starting point. Not sure how Fortnight would go with it. IIRC it is a fruity hop? Not really what I would be looking for in a smoked porter. Stick with the Fuggles/EKG/ Styrians .
  8. Droopy Brew

    Wild Upgrade

    Great looking set up mate- very jealous. WRT the plate chiller- they are designed to run straight to the FV. There is no point circulating as it will come out at tap water temp (or close to it) and you wont get it any lower than that unless you start buggering around with ice etc
  9. Droopy Brew

    No Topic Thread

    Yep. :P
  10. Droopy Brew

    northern brewer hops suggestions

    YEp was going to say the same MXD. Also Californian Steam Ale.
  11. Droopy Brew

    Kit + malt. correct proccess?

    OK so you are doing a Wheat beer. They should have very low bitterness (10-15IBU) and very little hop flavour. So you really dont need a boil at all. I f you want to add some coriander and orange peel then boil a couple of litres of water, add maybe 200g of the unhopped malt and boil for...
  12. Droopy Brew

    Hop Dealz Australia

    Just grabbed a dozen hop shots, keen to give these a go. Yob, happy to wait until after the Easter break for you to send these off if that suits you. Sounds like they need to be kept cool as possible so 4 days sitting in an AP office/truck wont be ideal.
  13. Droopy Brew

    Lallemand Nottingham

    What are people's thoughts on the impact Nott has on hop aroma? No impact or reduced aroma?
  14. Droopy Brew

    hops mix for hop burst session IPA feedback plz

    Agree that those 3 are your best pick for bittering. Also agree on the FWH- it will stabilise the aromas. I usually try to FWH with a mid range alpha hop so Amarillo is standing out here. Also agree you need some dankness in there as all of those hops are cirtusy/fruity. Will be better balanced...
  15. Droopy Brew

    hops mix for hop burst session IPA feedback plz

    With that many different types of hops and all after the boil, I reckon it will turn out a bit confused. But I may be wrong- give it a go.
  16. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Cinnamon and sour cherry Gose. First time kettle souring too- check out the activity:
  17. Droopy Brew

    Whats In The Glass

    I have been developing this one over a couple of years and is a closely guarded secret. But seeing as you asked nice: 68.5% Pale 16.5% Rye 7% Wheat 3% Crystal 60 5% CaraAroma OG 1.056 FG1.014 SRM 12.75 IBU 40 Yeast either US05 or 1272. Hops: FWH with a medium AA hop (Cascade or Amarillo) for...
  18. Droopy Brew

    Basic mashing query

    First things first- how much grain and how much water was put in?
  19. Droopy Brew

    Diacetyl and DMS from short boils?

    I ended up doing a 60 minute boil. Interestingly, anecdotal evidence from a number of reliable sources made specific mention that DMS does not become an issue in short or no boil sour beers with a high ratio of Pils malt. Possibly due to the effect the low pH has on the precursors??