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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Immersion Heater Woes

    That might explain what happened last night, the water seemed to heat up quite qickly but after an hour or so it just seemed to sit there at a point just below "simmering". I recall from my high school physics that to achieve boiling (ie. evaporation occuring within the main body of the water)...
  2. L

    Immersion Heater Woes

    Bought myself a Stokes SG3, a 2400W over the side immersion heater element. Tried it out last night on 40L of water, only to discover that after 4hrs, the heater could not bring the water to the boil:-( I guess the dimensions of my kettle are the cause of this (Hieght 400mm, Diameter 400mm)...
  3. L

    Yeast Starter And Pitching

    when pitching your starter do you decant the fermented wort off the yeast slurry or do you pitch the lot?
  4. L

    Theakston's Best

    Anyone have access to a recipe for Theakston's Best Bitter? Thanks in Advance