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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Brew Goliath

    Just a little report on BrewGoliath's new business method. Made an order last month and although I felt a little dubious dealing with an online business I was pleasantly impressed. The same Dave Stewart level of service was provided and delivery was prompt. I was one happy camper, then one...
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    Judging by this article, both 1007 and 1098 would be approriate, although I'm inclined to think 1007 would be the more authentic of the two.
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    British Bitter Theory

    How did I forget hops? I usually go for Challenger for bittering and EKG to finish.
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    British Bitter Theory

    Can the collective run through the theory behind formulating a sound British Bitter. I know Marris Otter is the preferred malt, and keep the crystal below 5%, and use a pedigreed liquid yeast. Are there any other parameters to keep in mind?
  5. L

    Coopers Pale Ale Clone Hows It Look?

    My understanding is that Coopers do not use a bottling strain. Word has it that Cooper's centrifuge and krausen their beers just before bottling. that said, I always got banana beer using Cooper's yeast and gave up on it for that very reason.
  6. L

    Cream Ale Recipe Comments Please

    Gearing up for the year's first AG and thought I'd explore the world of Bastard Lagers. I'm interested in an American hybrid called cream ale (interstingly it was also called American sparkling ale) which is really an ale version of Classic American Pilsner - cream ale was the ale...
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    Brew Sculpture

    Oh that kind of past it :huh:
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    What Else Do You Drink?

    Will drink wine if its available and the good beer's run out! The only drink I'd turn a good beer down for is a gin and tonic (with ice and lemon).
  9. L

    Brew Sculpture

    "Need to do something better as the bedside drawers are getting a bit past it" Paint them! No seriously, I visited the Black Sheep Brewery last year and figure that "agricultural" is the way to go! Much more traditional that these stainless steel brewtowers! Who am I kidding, upgradeatis...
  10. L

    Brew Sculpture

    I've got my own "Tower" set-up ready and waiting for me. HLT on top of the brewery fridge, mash tun on an old chest of drawers, kettle on a NASA burner stand. Works fine for me.
  11. L

    1st Mash (help With Efficeincy)

    I've got to admit I did not want to try a wheat beer first but I promised a mate my first batch in return for making the kettles and wheatbeer was what he asked for. Its possible I've misjudged just how much liquor i lost to dead spaces etc because I wasn't paying quite as much attention to the...
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    1st Mash (help With Efficeincy)

    Good point Steve, Here's the mising information: 1. Target gravity post boil 1.048 (ish) 2. Target post boil quantity 25l (I've got wide brimmed pots and no lids)
  13. L

    1st Mash (help With Efficeincy)

    Did me first mash (a Bavarian Weizen) on the weekend and all kinda went well. Just a few glitches to report. 1. My liqour transfer process and mash tun (a 44l rubbermaid esky) absorbes a lot of heat. Every infusion missed its target temperature by several degrees. I bagan to doubt my ability...
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    Turn Up The Heat

    I got myself one of these on the weekend too, attacked the stand with some paint remover, doesn't looks so shinie and new any more and fired it up. One word will suffice "awesome". I'm going to strap one of these to the back of the pulsar and call it the batmobile.
  15. L

    Diy Tubular Elements

    I've found a supplier of DIY tubular elements at: This stuff can be bent into any shape and fitted through the wall of any container using compression bushes. I particularly like the look of DIY30C(3kw, copper sheath, and 1010mm will...
  16. L

    Elements Help Needed

    I have two (cylindrical) stainless steel vessels (height 400mm, diameter 400mm) that I intent to use a a HLT and copper and I want to install elements in them both So a few questions for the collective: 1. Bolt on or screw in? 2. Needed wattage, I've tried a 2400W over the side immersion...
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    English Bitter, Its A !

    Thanks! I must admit its the quest for good Bitter that got me into this game in the first place!
  18. L

    English Bitter, Its A !

    Wouldn't mind some guidlines on Bitter brewing, I've seem US recipes that rely on huge proprtions of crystal; but, I have the idea that 10% at most would be the limit in the UK.
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    English Bitter, Its A !

    On the naming of Bitter, most British breweries will have several Bitters in their product range an many of them are not very origininal in the nameing of these products. Hence at Young's you have Young's Bitter and (at a higher gravity) Young's Special Bitter (which is why Londoner's dubbed...
  20. L

    Kettle Elements

    Check this out: If it's good enough for them, its good enough for you!