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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rod


    I buy some of my hops from Yakima Valley hops Needed some Styrian Goldings they have some US Goldings are they the same hops Rod
  2. Rod

    Filthy Bottles

  3. Rod

    Low Alcohol Saison

    I make a Saison of which I am quite fond of Original recipe add 6 litres water to pot add 1200 g dried light malt extract add 550 g dried wheat extract bring to boil set timer to 60 min add 60 saaz at 30 minutes add 20 g saaz at flame out add 20 g saaz and the 1200 g dried light malt...
  4. Rod

    Best Craft Light Beer.

    I make a Saison of which I am quite fond of Original recipe add 6 litres water to pot add 1200 g dried light malt extract add 550 g dried wheat extract bring to boil set timer to 60 min add 60 saaz at 30 minutes add 20 g saaz at flame out add 20 g saaz and the 1200 g dried light malt...
  5. Rod

    Grolsch Seals

    I prefer rubber , they don't last as long as the silicon , but seal better
  6. Rod

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    Well I got sucked in :blink: went to Masters to buy some cheap fertilizer only 10% off no 25KG bags as a bulk buy which might have been worth the short drive most stuff $3 to $5 a kg no many AG shops around my way
  7. Rod

    KB lager from the Bronzed Aussie Book

    what is the difference between BB pale and light dried malt extract
  8. Rod

    KB lager from the Bronzed Aussie Book

    The KB lager from the Bronzed Aussie Book uses 3.6 kg Weyermann Pilsner and 1.2 kg Castle 6 row Pilsner in a 23 litre batch with East Kent Goldings and Hallertau Hersbrucker hops with lager yeast I am a stove top brewer and planned to use 80% of the grain bill but will need to use...
  9. Rod

    Drinking beer is the secret to long life
  10. Rod

    Grumpy's Boston Cream

    I may be missing your point here , all though one nation etc is not what we are about but searching for Grumpy's boston cream recipe was what I posted here for
  11. Rod

    Grumpy's Boston Cream

    Got the message there had been a post Just give me the recipe :D
  12. Rod

    Grolsch bottle alternative?

    Can I assume that you have a problem with the grolsh bottles
  13. Rod

    Growler lids

    I went to a hardware store found some washers , the outside diameter was the right size had to punch a bigger hole in the middle
  14. Rod

    Fresh ginger at bottling stage.

    I put 1 teaspoon grated ginger into my bottles
  15. Rod

    Adding Dry Yeast to Kit brew

    I use a paint stirrer similar to this one I use the stirrer to add oxygen to the brew , vigorously , then add yeast and...
  16. Rod

    Soda stream set to release beer kits

    like VB where the V stands for
  17. Rod

    Not boiling hop additions? Options?

    I use brewmate to make my recipes if I add hops at flame out or dry hops later Brewmate does not change the bitterness in the recipe
  18. Rod

    What is the ID size of tube that fits in most fermenter taps?

    Take the tap with you to Bunnings
  19. Rod

    Not boiling hop additions? Options?

    If you want hops for flavour , not bitterness these may help I have considered using these for dry hopping thought they could be added when bulk priming have not tried them , have no idea if they are any good you could be the...
  20. Rod

    Grumpy's Boston Cream

    I just had a look a the list of brews I have made and Boston Cream came in as a 4 out of 5 rating ( only did even numbers ) A simple brew pack from Grumpy’s Brewhaus I made it in March 2005 and gave it a 4 would love to make it again need a few hints , particularly yeast Now looking...