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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Perth: Leaving The Country Sale

    Ok boiler, mill gone to deebee. and the trolley if he wants it.
  2. J

    Perth: Leaving The Country Sale

    HLT gone to mika_lika Ferm fridge + growarn all but gone to BigD crapp pics of it attached, it fits a 30L ferm and jerry no probs. Dont ahve a 50L ferm but imagine it would be no prob, I have cut the arse out of the freezer for better temp control as you will see. Jason
  3. J

    Perth: Leaving The Country Sale

    Ok so I have 8 weeks left in this place until I am off for a few years to the US. Given that I want to build/buy a swish brewery whilst over there I am disposing of some of my current kit. I have two brews left ot do so this is available as of start of March - Perth only due to size. You...
  4. J

    Perth Brewday @ The Junctyard

    Yep I wanna come and see the brewery in action (still haven't seen it), get some tips for all the bling I can get in the US. Hopefully plans wont change between now and the date.
  5. J

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2006 Consumption

    Mellies summer ale I had tonight bloody tasty and very refreshing almost like a fruity APA but not if that makes any sense. Never tried Nelson Sauvin hops but assume that was a good part of the flavour. Very nice, shame there was only one. Must confess I drank another two last night but can't...
  6. J

    Skimming The Hot Break

    I did this on my last brew as the kettle was very full and I didn't think my spray bottle was going to cut it. I shall blame any faults in the brew on this :D
  7. J

    Hot Side Aeration

    No expert but it is used in a lot of stuff from wine to foods so within reason I am sure it is not a problem but stirring it into your cup of coffee in the mornings is probably not advisable :P
  8. J

    Hot Side Aeration

    The amount you are adding is literaly a pinch, you should not even smell it if that helps?
  9. J

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2006 Consumption

    Rainy Zephyr Pale Ale. Appologies as I had had a few by the time I cracked this one. Slight haze from memory, aroma didn't have hops but kinda yeasty which was nice. Carbonation was spot on, tasted bloody great and I was wishing my keg had that in it. Top drop and my pick of the case to date...
  10. J

    Fs: 2 Way Gas Manifold

    Bump. Now $20, this ends tonight.
  11. J


    Yet to try oaking Jye but its something I want to do soon. Have been wondering how the shavings/chunks go in a beer so will be interested to hear how you go. Do people do anything with the chips like roasting in an oven etc before chucking in?
  12. J

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2006 Consumption

    HillBilly's Pale Opened it and it looked flat? Poured it and it was vigorously carbed :) settled down after a few minutes. Very clear beer, with a spritzy carbonation. Pretty clean taste to it no major hops jumping out, Can taste a little extract twang? Easy drinking brew this one. ant -...
  13. J

    Fs: 2 Way Gas Manifold

    Bought this a while ago from B3 but never got around to using it. you will need 5/16" ID gas line to use it. Linky link Best offer?
  14. J

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2006 Consumption

    Personally I would back off a few IBU on this one, the kegged half of it was quite bitter but also much hoppier :) Oh and I reckon more chinook at the end Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 43.00 Wort Size (L): 43.00 Total Grain (Kg): 9.10 Anticipated OG: 1.052...
  15. J

    Sandgroper Christmas Case 2006 Consumption

    Simon's Green Tea Lager Poured with a thin head which lasts the glass. Mine seemed a bit under carbed? Could be me chilling it in the freezer? Definitely a green tinge to it and a nice aroma of tea & malt no noticeable hop aroma. Lovely taste to it, some tea and malt in there and neutral...
  16. J

    Finings In Primary

    A couple of days is about as long as you need. To be honest I find it easier to add them to the keg. I just keg and chill. A few days before I want to drink I add the finings to the keg and pop it back in the fridge. I think you will get a clearer beer adding to the keg.
  17. J

    Finings In Primary

    Wont be a problem, I use gelatine (about 1/2 tbsp per 20l) disolved in about 3/4 cup of hot (not boiling) water and stired gently into the top.
  18. J

    Plastic Conicals

    Looks great Asher, room in there for expansion to the brewery as well :o. Hope those wheels on the bottom of the fridge are strong.
  19. J

    Fs: 10gal Gatorade Cooler (perth)

    This has been SOLD :) Time to start clearing some excess stuff I have. Prefer this to be pickup in Perth as posting will probably be a PITA so first dibs to perth people. Cooler is virtually new, used as an esky (!) once for a party and has been sitting in the shed since. Goes to the highest...