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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. boingk

    30 Year Old Beer In The Making

    :D :D :D GOLD! Reminds me, gotta give my Val some love this weekend... Anywho, I'm in the 'brew it and see' camp. Might be alright, might not. I'm guessing probably not. But hey, if it works it may well be one cracker of a beer. Not to mention it's probably the LAST of its kind anywhere in the...
  2. boingk

    Tube For Racking

    Head down to an automotive shop and get a fuel syphoner. You know, the big tubes with a little jiggly thing on the end? Guaranteed best syphoning you'll have ever done, very quick and very easy. Not to mention no more sucking on the damn tube... Cheers - boingk PS: Make sure its clean before...
  3. boingk

    Tapadraft Question

    Just buy a dedicated keg setup. Either that, or make one out of a garden sprayer as detailed on here somewhere. Cheers - boingk
  4. boingk


    Sounds fine to me, and remember never to trust the airlock. You're checking the gravity, and all looks good there. When its steady over a few days then it's fine to bottle. Many of us just leave out ales for 10 to 14 days and call it done, I'm definitely one. Last time I did a serious...
  5. boingk

    Drilling For Whisky

    Man, would that be a wicked party if they find it! Getting trashed in Antarctia on century old whiskey - the final frontier. I think that it would freeze at around -45'C (based on a few answers I ripped off the net), if its 80 proof whiskey. In other words, I'm fairly sure it would have frozen...
  6. boingk

    Alcohol Protects Men's Hearts

    BAM! And the wowsers are gone! :D
  7. boingk

    What are you listening to

    Just saw that and cracked up, awesome quote :D Listening to 'Fallen Angel' by Poison, on their Greatest Hits ('86 - '96) album. Cheers - boingk
  8. boingk

    Help For A Newbie With Frst Brew

    Ditto what Nige said above. Only thing I'd add is that the best ale temps are generally 18-20'c for most yeasts, and I've used stock kit yeasts at these temperatures with excellent results. Its all about the process - if you drive a Ferrari and a Barina hard into a wall you're still going to...
  9. boingk

    Alcohol Protects Men's Hearts

    Coffee may well guard against Alzheimers, too. Up to 500mg a day (equivalent to 3-5 cups a day, depending on style) apparently. Anywho, I've started bottling in stubbies as well as longies again after a bit of stuffing around. I find that sometimes I just want 1 beer in the evening, and opening...
  10. boingk

    Best Time To Rack To Secondary?

    Yeah, racking off the cake is generally required for bulk priming to stop you stirring up the yeast into the beer. Racking is best done within about .05 to go on the fermentation, so there will still be some carbondioxide cranking. Extended fermentations are also best done this way to avoid...
  11. boingk

    Dark Ale ?

    The teabag sort are fine to start with, but pellets are much cheaper and more versatile. Also, you don't need to bag them as the hops settle out over the course of the fermentation anyway. Try this site: Thats a link to the hop section, where theres a...
  12. boingk

    A Little Voice In My Head Says To Drink The Beer

    Go for it. How'd you think I feel with 6 seperate batches (or remnants of) scrounging around under my bed? The voices aren't in my head, they're coming from the bottles... ...whats that? You want to escape? Oh, well what have I got to do with that? I see...well maybe just you then. Wait, I said...
  13. boingk

    Whats In The Glass

    Lookin' good guys. Heres my botched attempt at photographing a kits and bits something-or-other, gotta work out how to get the camera to 'spot' focus instead of considering the background as the subject <_< Anywho, its a homebrand kit with 500/300 LDME/Dex, 200/50 Munich/JW Wheat, and 20g...
  14. boingk

    Concept Beers

    Sounds interesting, Winkle, wouldn't mind trying something like that. On another note, just found my old recipe for chilli beer. This stuff was awesome from what I can remember, but didn't keep that well - 3 months and it started to turn nasty (might've been the plastic bottles I was using)...
  15. boingk

    Dry Verses Liquid Yeasts

    I reuse yeast all the time, in an ad-hoc kinda way. I generaly put down another brew atraight after bottling one, so just take a few tablespoons of yeast from the bottom of the empty fermenter and put into a 300ml conical flask. I top to 250ml with tepid water and add a quarter-teaspoon of LDME...
  16. boingk

    What Deadline Are You Avoiding....

    1) Cleaning my room (its my room, dammit...can't wait to move out next year). 2) Rewiring my GS850. 3) Cleaning the exhaust of my RS125. 4) Studying for a final exam. 5) Taking a highschool crush out for coffee because I'm involved with somone else, kinda.
  17. boingk

    Hops In My Fermenter

    Ditto to what Flash_DG said - I generally never have problems with not using a hop-bag. Mostly they'll all end up in my fermenter, and when you are cleaning it you'll notice flecks of green in the yeast cake. Thats the hops that've settled out. If you're really a bit freaked by it, just use...
  18. boingk

    Beers That Benefit From Cellaring.

    Imperial anything does pretty much - its what they were made for. Originally the high alcohol and hopping rates were designed to keep them drinkable on long voyages out to Britains colonies. Often they had to survive voyages measures in years. Cheers - boingk
  19. boingk

    Home Brew Tv Show On Foxtel

    It works just the same, a tad slower but I don't mind. I usually open the top of the tin so that I can rest the cut portion of the lid in a groove on the inside of the fermenter neck, and rest the whole can so its pouring into the fermenter. Then I go and do something like weigh malt/grain/hops...
  20. boingk

    Concept Beers

    Don't mind the sound of that apple-pie wheat beer, Mr.Moonshine. I'm thinking of doing my 11% apple champers, plus a Schwartzbier hopped up with Nelson Sauvin and perhaps some sort of Bitter with a decent addition of Amber, Wheat, and perhaps oats. I want to see if I can get a creamy-biscuity...