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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. boingk

    Four Pints For How Much?

    Sweet... I'm there! In related news, the local Woolies Liquor had 2 x 940ml bottles of Sol for $10. Yeah, 2 litres of decent Mexican beer for $10... why buy a case? - boingk
  2. boingk

    Things I Have Leart From Home Brewing

    Two things: 1: Most people wouldn't know good a beer if it inserted itself into their rectal cavity... while still in the bottle. 2: You often don't feel like brewing when you get home at 1am from your shift at the pub! Cheers - boingk
  3. boingk

    Don't Like Lagers, What's Wrong With Me?

    Same age, similar tastes... but love my lagers. Something clean, crisp, and easily drunk to make way for the next one. Sometimes you just want a subtle beer for having a sip on in the stinking heat up in the shed, or after mowing the lawn.. whatever. Hell, sometimes you just want a lager...
  4. boingk

    Oak Chips In Batch

    I used my chips in the boil and in the fermenter, ended up quite powerfully affecting the brew. I would recommend 100g or so for the final few days, much like dry hopping, and seeing how you like that. Cheers - boingk
  5. boingk

    Fat Yak K&k Clone

    No worries mate, I remember what it was like starting out in all this. As for OG/FG, I stopped because I figured the only reason I wanted to know was to calculate the alcohol percentage. The only reason I'd care about that was to know if I could still drive - and myself and mates generally have...
  6. boingk

    Fat Yak K&k Clone

    AusJF - if you put in all the ingredients and topped with water to the right level (21~22L not 25L for example) then you should be fine to ferment away. Most likely theres still some goo etc still at the bottom. The yeast will ferment this out easily, I wouldn't worry. So long as you havent left...
  7. boingk

    Kent Old Brown

    Ah, Kent Old Brown... I work at the only place in town that sells it so can definitely recommend it as a nice commercial ale. I would also say that working entirely from kit will be hard, although would recommend this as a starting point: 1 x Coopers Lager Kit 500g light dried malt 300g white...
  8. boingk

    Victoria Pale Lager

    Tried it over the weekend while I was working in the shed... they went down a treat and 6-pack disappeared pretty quickly between myself and my brother. I'd say its a pretty decent summer-type lager and pretty sessionable. As other posters have mentioned its reasonably mild so don't expect a...
  9. boingk

    Should I Re-hydrate Dried Yeast?

    I rehydrate in a manner similar to the Fermentis instructions, except with a small pinch of raw sugar in there as well. Let stand while sterilising/pitching etc and then you're ready to go. On the very odd occasion I've had a yeast not take off in the proofing jar, its saved me the hassle of a...
  10. boingk

    Victoria Pale Lager

    Saw them this avo at the local, was about to do a search but saw this in the 'recently posted' list instead. Be interesting to see how they go, I remember their 'VB Original Ale' from a few years back was quite nice and if this is anything like that then its sure to be well received. Cheers -...
  11. boingk

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Oettinger Pils: Not my picture but sums it up... 'cept I'm drinking from the can. Not bad considering its dirt cheap! Righto guys, I'm on the dingers! :D Cheers - boingk PS: Haven't been on the site in ages, same with laying down a brew. Redeeming myself in both categories tonight, its...
  12. boingk

    Your Top Five Beers

    Some nice ones in here for sure, keep it up guys. In no particular order here are my top five: VB Original Recipe (RIP?) Little Creatures Pale Ale Kilkenny Draught Barons Lager Fat Yak Cheers - boingk
  13. boingk

    Whats In The Glass

    Looking good guys, especially that stout, jyo. I had a few of these while I was building some balsa models last night: Just a kits'n'bits with an asiatic twist. Coopers Australian Bitter 1.7kg 500g liquid rice malt 250g LDME 250g white sugar :beerbang: No extra hopping, stock yeast @ 18'C...
  14. boingk

    Kit Brewers... Input

    Good idea! All it would take it a YouTube channel under the brand name of the kits and a link cited in the instructions. Make up a good procedural video and let 'em at it. I remember getting a similar thing with my first brewing purchase - a Tooheys Brewing Kit. It came with a small DVD disc...
  15. boingk

    Worth Keeping? How To Decide

    ANother vote for bottling and seeing how it goes - whats the worst that can happen? Not good & tip it out? Weigh that against what could happen - it becomes a brilliant, enjoyable stout. I'd say bottle that sucker unless its obviously infected. Anyway, if you're after a good easy stout then...
  16. boingk

    Kit Brewers... Input

    I like the idea of better quality kits on the market, and sticking to the 'classics' isn't a bad idea at all. Once you've got that done you can 'spec them up' by adding ingredients from a list of recommended-for-style-additives or simply by marketing them in an all-included kit. For example you...
  17. boingk

    Coopers Brew Enhancers Newbie Question

    Welcome mate, sounds like a good first brew you've put down. Age it up a month or more before drining and it should taste alright. Right time now, what with heading into wainter and all. For what its worth, I've found a good mix for most beer kits to be 500g of light dried malt (LDME) and 300g...
  18. boingk

    Home Brewer Stats / Numbers?

    I'm with the idea to put our religion on the next census form as 'Homebrewer'. It'd definitely get a mention in the national Australian Stats publication. Cheers - boingk
  19. boingk

    Coca-cola Recipe Revealed

    HA! Be interesting to give this one a try. To be honest though, for a few bucks a bottle... why bother? Cheers - boingk EDIT: Nice avatar - the IT Crowd, right?
  20. boingk

    Longneck Bottles 4 Sale! [rolltop + Some Screws]

    Now free or they're going in the recycling. Cheers - boingk