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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pat_00

    New Temperature Controller

    These look interesting. I need a second controller and can't be bothered wiring up another STC1000.
  2. pat_00

    Pu Tao Che Chiew Beer

    'pu tao' means grape in Mandarin. Is it made locally in Bali? Edit: beaten to it. It's all Wade - Giles till they got to 'Chiew' :)
  3. pat_00

    Leaking Quick Disconnects

    +1 on the kegking QDs. But the seals that are installed are crappy, When I bought mine KK supplied them with the replacement red o rings which fixes the problem.
  4. pat_00

    So ive been recruited to provide the kegs for a backyard Oktoberfest..

    Hefeweizen and Grapefruit smoothies were a popular summer drink when I was last in Germany,so I guess it makes sense. I'm keeping an eye on this thread as I've been asked to brew beer for a mate's wedding in october.
  5. pat_00

    So ive been recruited to provide the kegs for a backyard Oktoberfest..

    After trying my Kolsch, my dad rocks up a week later with a box of empty longnecks and asks me to brew some for him. This is coming from someone whose favourite beers are carlsberg, boags premium and VB and has turned his nose up at all my other brews. Which is confusing as it tasted nothing...
  6. pat_00

    converting an upright freezer: easy and cheap?

    will check measurements later when I get home. They're not very deep, corny kegs fit with only a couple of inches to spare. I doubt a conical would fit.
  7. pat_00

    Good Beer Week Gala Showcase

    My pick of the bunch was Prickly Moses's Otway Chainsaw. Also, the Ramjet Stout was intense. There sure were a lot of IPAs!
  8. pat_00

    converting an upright freezer: easy and cheap?

    I just scored one of these 148l Haiers on gumtree with 18month warranty for $150. So far I am really impressed, it chilled 2 kegs from 24degrees to 1 degree in a few hours. My last chest freezer would need a day and a half to do that.
  9. pat_00


    i might be interested in a couple of 30l if the price is OK. I import as my day job, so if you need any advice or anything...
  10. pat_00

    DIY Brew Control Panels and House Insurance

    A timely thread, I was looking at buying a second stc1000 for a fermenting fridge. The KK unit came to mind because I thought it might be worth the extra $ than the dodgy deathtrap I wired up :) How can they sell an unapproved appliance? That YOUI link tries to say that 240v is more deadly...
  11. pat_00

    Style Of The Week 11/10/06 - Saison

    Yeah that's what I thought. Most of my beers finish lower than brewmate calculates.
  12. pat_00

    Style Of The Week 11/10/06 - Saison

    How does this look? My first Saison recipe.... I have a bucketload of Victoria's Secret flowers to get through :) Figured the stone fruitiness could suit the dryness of a Saison, or would a more neutral bittering hop be better? out of saison (Saison) Original Gravity (OG): 1.050 (°P): 12.4...
  13. pat_00

    Good Beer Week Gala Showcase

    I'm going Thursday. 2 meetings just got scheduled at work for Friday :(
  14. pat_00

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Had a bottle of St. Freullin(Sp?) Saison last night. My first try of a saison since trying one at Mountain Goat that tasted like a mouthful of lactic acid, which kinda scared me off. This is an awesome beer and has definitely got me wanting to try and brew in this style.
  15. pat_00

    Gina looking for a long wall and a load of blindfolds.

    Oh well, back to the pile!
  16. pat_00

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    That might be the way I end up going. But I've been told by a couple of places that they don't stock them and if they can get them it will be months to get one in. Just trying to see if I can re-purpose something already available.
  17. pat_00

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    It just came in, so I can confirm the BM 20L Filter plate is 266m across. So I would assume a 270mm OD pipe that is around 1mm WT would be what I want. This would give 1mm clearance all around the edge of the plate. The hunt continues....
  18. pat_00

    70lt Melbourne ebay pots - any experiernce?

    Sounds good I might grab one
  19. pat_00

    70lt Melbourne ebay pots - any experiernce? Beat you to it! They do look good. I wonder if you can pick up though? as $50 shipping is a bit expensive...