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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. raven19

    RecipeDB - Raven's American Amber

    Next version with more hops, 2g/L at 10min, 5min, 1min and dry hop. Needs a little more carbonation in the keg.
  2. raven19

    What Are You Brewing III

    Double batch brew done earlier today. Baltic Porter first up, then a hop drain IPA.
  3. raven19

    Tanunda Show 2013

    Fergi - 2 bottles is the stipulation, stubbies are fine (point 3 in the rules), but you will need to send 2 bottles. Good luck!
  4. raven19

    How Big A Sink?

    You'd be using a heap of water just to wash a corny this way, if you went a massive sink that size. A laundry sink works fine imo - just set your tap spout high enough so you can stand the corny upright in the sink and still be able to swivel the spout over the open keg - that would be my...
  5. raven19

    2012 Funky Beer Swap

    Me too! Next one progressing too.... got 5kgs of cherries freezing atm and will pitch these onto my kriek in the coming weeks. :)
  6. raven19

    Pid - Improving Ramp Time

    Nath, Interesting topic this one. My 2c... I would be looking to record details on each beer on your system from recipe right through to FG. If your batch size is similar each time you brew, can can simply adjust your recipes accordingly if you are concerned with excessive conversion of your...
  7. raven19

    2012 Hop Plantations

    I have cut the tips on all 4 main bines now that they have reached the top of my trellis yes.
  8. raven19

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Victoria Hops progressing slowly:
  9. raven19

    Birthday Drinks

    Sorry I missed your bday c0ckster! Also Happy birthday Crusty!
  10. raven19

    What Are You Brewing III

    HLT on timer, grain crushed. Dusseldorf Altbier up first then a Rauchbier using Best Smoked malt, should be all done by noon tomorrow if all goes well!
  11. raven19

    Guide To Keg Forced Carbonation.

    I had to gas up a keg of golden ale for cricket mates, I simply went 300kPa for 24hrs in the fridge. Normally I never touch my reg settings. A non return valve is a must imo - cheap insurance for your reg.
  12. raven19

    FS: Craigmore SA - Selling Up K&K gear

    Mod edit - thread title location added.
  13. raven19

    2013, What Will Be Your Theme/project/experiments?

    1. Finish new brew cave (then remove old shed, extend slab, etc) - refer attached progress pic, cladding/doors to go. 2. Learn and make some soft cheeses 3. House Reno's (do they ever friggin end?) and backyard works 4. and last but not least,.... brew, brew, brew!
  14. raven19

    Camping Keezer Setup

    Re beer line diameters, - I use this stuff from Ross and its great
  15. raven19

    Camping Keezer Setup

    Party tap - best way imo would be to drill a hole to allow the beer out line to pass through then add the tap on after (is this what you are asking in Q1?) Q2 - I would stick with normal beer line, so you can exchange between setups easier. Also you can reduce the headspace pressure prior to...
  16. raven19

    R.i.p My Two Brewing Assistants

    Devastating Nick, totally understand the pets = kids mantra. Our deepest commiserations fella!
  17. raven19

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    It was tasty as! Enjoyed that beer immensely. Congrats again fella!
  18. raven19

    Pid Newbie Stuff

    I have a bit more background on PID's in my brweery build in my sig below too, aliong with others on AHB that have used PID's in recent times.
  19. raven19

    A Different Stc1000 Question

    Jigsaw worked for me fine, using a blade for cutting wood (not metal - metal cutting ones definately melt the plastic).
  20. raven19

    Air Stone And Co2

    My 2c, you want to be driving oxygen (or air) into the wort. Not sure a paint stirrer is going to suck much air/o2 down into the wort imo. As per post above, SS Airstone, inline filter and aquarium pump works a treat for me.