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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. raven19

    8 Wired Hopwired

    Sorry I missed these posts chaps! I thought it was a very tidy recipe. It was a big hit at the SA Case Swap which I hosted a few months back now. A number of attendees still comment on it, and the (non brewer) neighbours loved it. I tend to brew something different every time I brew nowadays...
  2. raven19

    Anhc 2012

    @Cortez - I sent a similar PM to Thirsty Boy, also looking at accomodation options within stumbling distance from venue. :chug:
  3. raven19

    So I Got Bitten By A Dog Yesterday.

    Coudos Clutch. We pet owners salute you.
  4. raven19


    My first one is approaching the end of primary ferment fella. Will need to sample prior to bottling and report back!
  5. raven19

    Who Is Still Active With The Lowest Membership Number?

    Well as a Mod, I can confirm Dane is busy in the background beavering away.
  6. raven19


    Darn shame he didn't finish the race. Next time!
  7. raven19

    Who Is Still Active With The Lowest Membership Number?

    Dane is the answer indeed. A quick review of asending members based on join date show: Dane Barry Doc Pmyers kook doglet all in the top 70 or so. Many other earlier members have not been seen on the boards since 2002 ish... a few...
  8. raven19

    Afl Supercoach 2012

    Finally posted a win with a 2300+ score, but it just gets toughter with the top teams still to come for me... fark this season has been tough.
  9. raven19

    State Of Origin

    As an independent viewer, I really enjoyed the game last night down at the local. Great to see such a close game. My mate was spewing it did not go into extra time, he had some $$$$ on the draw at 25:1 !
  10. raven19

    Afl Supercoach 2012

    Total brain fade by me mate. Forget to switch Chappy out and I had some poor bench emergencies hanging over from previous round...!
  11. raven19

    Birthday Drinks

    Cheers lads! Beers tonight will ensue after work for sure. Prost! And happy Birthday BYB!
  12. raven19

    Afl Supercoach 2012

    I am in trouble every week this season! Burnt so many trades covering LTI's... insane this season. bring on 9th for me :lol: - just like the Blues ffs....
  13. raven19

    AHB Articles: Using Glad wrap instead of a lid

    Another point to bear in mind, is the taller fermentation vessels (i.e. more head pressure on yeast trub) in commercial applications compared to our short homebrew fermentors. You would not want to leave that higher net pressure in commercial fermentor on the yeast trub for an extended period -...
  14. raven19

    For Sale - Ag Brewery, Brisbane

    Darn shame to read that Dreamboat, wishing you good health in life!
  15. raven19

    1/2" Tri Clover Gaskets

    Generally wherever you buy the triclovers should stock plenty of spare gaskets. I grabbed my RIMS triclover and gasket from:<H4 id=YN3721x247710924_title>Barnett Enterprises Pty Ltd </H4>2 Croydon Rd, Keswick, SA 5035 (08) 8293 8266 No affiliation, but a quick search of 'stainless' and your...
  16. raven19

    Bag Less Vacuum Thread

    For the amount we spent on ours it better work for another 30 years...! We have a DC23 (I think!) Main issue is all the hair gets caught up in the vacuum head, but can be cleaned easily. And as such it works a treat as there is not pet or people hair on...
  17. raven19

    2012 Funky Beer Swap

    Flanders Red bottled last night. Bring on swap 2012! Noting I have only had a few of 2011's versions to date...!
  18. raven19

    Milk, Absolute Bloody Scandal

    Can I breathe the air at work safely? :rolleyes: :blink: Fair typing effort there mate.
  19. raven19

    Out Of Date Kits - Any Issues?

    Closing this thread as its past its use by date... all puns intended. Keep it friendly brewers! :)
  20. raven19

    What Are You Brewing III

    Partigyle double brew planned for tomorrow: Tripel (1st runnings 1080 ish og) Belgian Pale (2nd runnings og tbd) 97 Best Pils, 3 Melanoidin Styrian fwh to 25ibu ish wlp550 Will add some spec into the mash for the Belgian runnings to boost it. Will add sugaz to the tripel, amount depends on...