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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. siege

    Old Peculier

    Definitely give it a go. It's a lovely beer. I used whatever fuggles the LHBS had in stock. Can't imagine it making any difference to my uncouth palate. I reckon you can simplify that list of fermentables a touch though. What is the point of golden syrup and candi sugar if you're also using...
  2. siege

    VIC: DME

    Bump. There must be some people still making yeast starters or extract beers in Melbourne.
  3. siege

    wanted: columbus rhizome

    I'm in Melb. eastern suburbs
  4. siege

    wanted: columbus rhizome

    I've been tryna keep an eye on here as well as ebay and gumtree. I know some people have it in Australia, and I'm really keen to grow some. Anyone know where I can get some or willing to part with a zome?
  5. siege

    2 brew question

    I regularly have left brews in a temp controlled fridge at 18-20 degrees for 3 weeks and a few times for 5 weeks with no dramas. You will probably not run into any issues just leaving them as is but I would say if you wanted to cold crash for the next week that would be fine too, you would...
  6. siege

    VIC: DME

    I'm in Balwyn North
  7. siege

    VIC: DME

    Think I posted this in the wrong place before. 2.5kg bags of light DME selling at cost because I bought a whole sack and don't need it all. $17 per bag please PM me.
  8. siege

    Kegging Setups

  9. siege

    Kegging Setups

    Thanks mate. But I don't know if I can hack any more of this to be blunt... when I Saw there were more replies I thought I could handle it :D
  10. siege


    light. yeah should have said
  11. siege

    Kegging Setups

    The handles are small axe handles (points to n87). Attached with bits of a threaded brass rod which was pretty easy to hacksaw and screws into the florytes perfectly.
  12. siege


    I bought DME in bulk to take advantage of the lower price/kg but I don't need it all so will on sell at cost price if anyone is interested. I've separated into large zip lock bags I have 3x 2.5kg bags going for $17 each no pictures because my phone is buggered but it just looks like DME in a...
  13. siege

    Kegging Setups

    Well it took a long time to pull together bits and pieces for this because I had to find bargains of course. But it's finally finished! 4 kegs, co2, and space for bottles inside. With a font fan which is switched on the outside. all on heavy duty castors of course. Thanks to everyone else in...
  14. siege

    FS: Chinook rhizomes

    Unless one of the gumtree peeps falls through (which has been known to happen) they are all sold. I'll let you know on the weekend.
  15. siege

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Buyers premium: 20% Bloody hell but grays really do gouge both the seller and the buyer
  16. siege

    Wtb- long shanks for beer taps

    I'm actually in the market for 2 Andale shanks with the snaplok adaptors for my jockey box project. Do you have spares?
  17. siege

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    When I build my system I want to be able to do multiple batch sizes too, but I was just thinking I'd have a few different sized malt pipes that could all go in the 80L pot. I know that too much head space can make the boil difficult but it's not like a system designed to boil 65L+ is going to be...