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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Right, well glad that's all sorted out then ....
  2. pbrosnan

    Gas Or Electricity?

    I'm looking at a 40L Crown Urn with concealed element. Have a quote from AllfoodEuipment for $286 delivered to WA. Not a bad price for some new kit. This will replace my 30L kurnel which is starting to look a bit tired. I've probably done about 50 or 60 brews in it and it cost $90. My main...
  3. pbrosnan

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    I'm afraid you just have to accept it. I've ranted on a number of occasions about the disparity between craft beer here and the US ($12.00 a six pack there as opposed to $20.00 plus here and I mean locally produced not imported US). I really think it comes down to what you first mentioned...
  4. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    Curse the crass commercialisation of our hobby.
  5. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    Why is there only one guy who can process the judging sheets?
  6. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    If the judging is over why can't the results be posted. Seems a waste of time waiting another 2 weeks.
  7. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    If people are receiving emails does that mean the results are available? If so where?
  8. pbrosnan

    Immersion Heater - - - Honkers Special

    That's Axolotl. It's not even a fish. But it is very funny.
  9. pbrosnan

    Immersion Heater - - - Honkers Special

    Well you know more than me. Anyway these were comedy tropical fish.
  10. pbrosnan

    Immersion Heater - - - Honkers Special

    Er ... because tropical fish, typically, don't like being exposed to a roiling boil. Unless they are particularly hardy tropical fish of course. Then again I know FA about tropical fish and even less about tropical fish heaters. Perhaps the fish like to put their feet up in front of a 2 bar...
  11. pbrosnan

    The New Under Class Of Brewer - Ager's

    There's a core group? Who's in it, what are their names? Drunk Arab may be? Guest Lurker? Anyone who's been on the forum for aver 5 years. No probably not ...
  12. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    That's what I said. Looks like it was snap.
  13. pbrosnan

    2010 Wa State Amateur Brewers Competition

    Didn't you enter a US Brown at PRBS this year? So what were you hiding? (Runs away)
  14. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Great, like there's not enough stouts out there already. That means we have to get past this one before we get back to something worthwhile (hopefully). And anyone can brew a stout, bloody things are all burnt flavours.
  15. pbrosnan

    Start A Brewery?

    Completely agree. A great asset to the HB community. Still, bloody big step as you say.
  16. pbrosnan

    Start A Brewery?

    Just had a look at the Pat Casey blog. I bought my first mash tun off him about 7 years ago. He's certainly taking the big bang approach.
  17. pbrosnan

    Start A Brewery?

    The actual licence to brew ( or "Application for a Licence to manufacture excisable products - alcohol") is available from the ATO. I suggest you download it as it'll give you an insight into what is required. There are of course state and local government regulations to be taken into account...
  18. pbrosnan

    Small Bar Snob Slams Wa's Best Pubs

    Any one who gets "lack of culture and credibility" "perth" and "middle class liberal voters" into a single derogatory sentence deserves a medal. Could I vote for you?
  19. pbrosnan

    Beer Battle Might Have Helped Me Vote!

    Now I'm really interested! Come, do tell, is this guy on another forum or what? If so where so? Actually, I've found the forum and a mention of a "late night post" ...