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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerdrinkingbob

    Infection Photo Thread

    your nose and tongue will serve you better when it comes to infections, doesn't look like there are any issues yet!!
  2. beerdrinkingbob

    Where would the new Australian Ales fit into Competitions?

    Not having a crack Bribie but Coopers isn't even up to it, looks like CUB megaswill or nothing Ingredients: Australian 2-row lager malt. Restrained use of crystal malt for colour and flavour. Substantial proportion of cane sugar, typically around 30%, for light body and signature fermentation...
  3. beerdrinkingbob

    Time between starter steps

    it's times like these i wish i had a 3 ltr flask, unfortunately i have no choice but to put the yeasties to sleep.... so i can decant and step into the 2 litre flask.
  4. beerdrinkingbob

    3 tier gravity build

    He wears the same colour to the westgate meetings!!!
  5. beerdrinkingbob

    Time between starter steps

    Hi Guys, Got a litre starter of 1214 on the go with yeast farts throughout the flask. My question is this, when you step do you just wait for the growth phase to finish, crash chill for 24 hours and proceed to the next step? I understand benefits of letting the last step finish but not sure...
  6. beerdrinkingbob

    Useless flow from cheapo flow-restrictor tap

    $50 for 545's are a good investment, thought the tap had a fault a while back but turns out I over carbed, Perlick 1 - Me 0
  7. beerdrinkingbob

    BIAB pot size?

    the big W 19 ltr pot is only $20 and worked fine for me for a year of so, however it will become redundant at some stage. That said i made full size batches with it for most of that time!!
  8. beerdrinkingbob

    Whats In The Glass

    You two are totally having a brewmance!!
  9. beerdrinkingbob

    EXTREME Brew Comp

    Looks like the last Ball Bag bitter might get a run :beerbang:
  10. beerdrinkingbob

    IPA Recommendations?

    I might be wrong but isn't feral hop hog a pale?, bloody tasty drop though!! Out of interest OP what's the name of the place in noosa, Dans was the best i found.
  11. beerdrinkingbob

    Commercial Biab

    doesn't coopers us a bag to press all the goodness out of the grain, I'm sure they got the idea from Bribie :beerbang:
  12. beerdrinkingbob

    $30 BIAB vs $1000+ 3v herms

    What country is your partner from, strange name Arduino.....
  13. beerdrinkingbob

    $30 BIAB vs $1000+ 3v herms

    BIAB is better suited to 1.075 and below, all systems make great beer. As already pointed out the brewer is the difference and most of the skill is in yeast handling!!
  14. beerdrinkingbob

    Thoughts on BIAB Kettle

    as above, just more issues that I have read about over the past couple of years, what i can tell you is that i have never read someone regretting an exposed over a concealed, but have read more than a couple of times the other way. Pound for pound the urn is great solution for turn key brewing...
  15. beerdrinkingbob

    Thoughts on BIAB Kettle

    if i had my time again i would have just bought the crown exposed element urn straight off the bat, don't get me wrong the burner is great for up sizing etc but so is an urn, could have brewed with it for 2 years and could be a hot liquor for god knows how long.. That said the 100 ltr...
  16. beerdrinkingbob

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    you might have got lucky with that one, another brewer might have thrown it out because of bad lacto and brett infection.... better yet it contained flesh eating bacteria, good news is like flesh not beer!!
  17. beerdrinkingbob

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    Also sorry forgot to add, diluting does not affect the body or the flavour of the beer if you keep it in balance with original specs. Do it all the time and so do others, even got a few seconds :blink: in club comps with the said beers.
  18. beerdrinkingbob

    First AG BIAB done, pictures, recipe and woes inside.

    Hard to know what it is, probably yeast and other solids. Best advice is to stop worrying, nothing you can do now, sure it will turn out fine and stop opening the lid of your fermenter.....
  19. beerdrinkingbob

    Hop Rocket as a Randal

    Agreed and keep a log on when the flowers where hooked up. Just a tired thought, because it's being used as a Randal i doubt it would get grassie etc, well only the beer hop rocket itself would get the chance and Lets face it, most homebrewers drink at least a litre of beer over 3 or four days.....