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  1. moonhead

    Keg King Intertap

    Any further feedback on shorter tube lengths with the FC taps? I'm having almost the exact same problem as Bougie!st, nicely carbed beers just coming out as foam with FC taps, no matter the restriction on the tap...
  2. moonhead

    Mini Keg Bulk Buy MKIV

    G'Day Zorco, I'm keen to jump in on this, cheers!
  3. moonhead

    Scales recommendation

    I use these for hops/salts/DME - I like these better than the 200g ones, as I go over 200 grams measuring out DME, so the 1KG limit on these work well.
  4. moonhead

    Soda Stream Adapter and Reg

    Got mine a few days ago (it might have been last week, been a rough weekend). Can confirm mine's working well, seals good, threads mesh on the reg good, pin pushes down good. All good.
  5. moonhead

    Maturation barrels for along beer

    Nothing about shipping, unfortunately. They would be good for HB though 5/8/10 gallon barrels, used for distilling or wine already... mmmm.
  6. moonhead

    Melbourne Brewers Beerfest 2017

    Coolio. Seems a little early / short notice to get them in by the 4th... (even the 11th is a bit of a stretch)
  7. moonhead

    Melbourne Brewers Beerfest 2017

    Compmaster says entries need to be in the system and dropped off by 4th of Feb, this correct? (moreso the drop off date, rather than the entry date)
  8. moonhead

    Prize for INKBIRD regular customer. Giveaway Itc-310 ,itc-308, itc-100

    How does that apply to existing electric appliances, though? I mean, if it catches fire, how will anyone know when I purchased it?
  9. moonhead

    6 day carbonation

    Yeah, put it on at like 40 PSI for 18-24 hours, then back down to serving/correct pressure. Should get you right where you want to be in 6 days, for sure.
  10. moonhead

    Advice on setting up fermenting fridge

    1. I've got 0.7 low (heating) and 1.5 high (cooling). I'm constantly revising that though. It's a balancing act to try and get it a consistent temperature and not have it constantly running and overshooting triggering the other side. 1.5 High is probably a little too high, I'm not overshooting...
  11. moonhead

    Horizontal Sodastream bottle in fridge

    I would imagine your gas lines would blow before the PRV?
  12. moonhead

    Prize for INKBIRD regular customer. Giveaway Itc-310 ,itc-308, itc-100

    Love me some wall mountability and pre-wired goodness! Actually in the market for a second one... Came across another fridge that was crying out to do some fermenting.
  13. moonhead

    Mini Kegerator for 9.5l keg

    Goes with the pricey 9.5L keg then?
  14. moonhead

    Melbourne Brewers Beerfest 2017

    Comp still not up in compmaster yet?
  15. moonhead

    Show us your grain mill

    I've got a Kegking mill, they recommend 200RPM speed. My cordless drill in low gear goes max 400RPM, so I just run that at half trigger. Nothing really gets hot, certainly not the mill, and the drill get put through much worse on regular basis. I'm doing BIAB though, so difficult to comment on...
  16. moonhead

    Show us your grain mill

    Obvious serial killer is obvious.
  17. moonhead

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I think these are the same ones I have, they're 3ml including the bulb, it's only about 1ml in the stem... Which I was kinda annoyed about, was hoping to use them to measure out 1.5ml of starsan... but oh well.
  18. moonhead

    Show us your grain mill

    Nice! But hand cranked? Damn, you're keen! I use a cordless drill, makes very quick work of it.