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  1. gava

    Show us your brewrig

    Well I've brewed on my new system so I guess its a BrewRig now so I'll put it in the old Brew Rig thread.. think I have a few in here by now.. Rig Size : 75lt Power Consumption : 20amps Elements : 2 x 4800watt (one on at a time) Controlled : PIDS + Manual Dual Pump -Gav
  2. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Give Rob a call on 0418 543 201 and ask him, say its like Gavin's Tri-Clover 4800watt elements.. there are different configurations etc.. -Gav
  3. gava

    3v Design Help

    I had a 75LT HLT with a 2200watt element and it took FOREVER to pre-heat... I notice you had a gas burner I'd have the GAS under the HLT to get it up to temp quicker or just use that and don't bother about the element and STC1000.. If you dont care about the preheat time and you just want to...
  4. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Oh yes forgot about the sparge arm, The BEST for cleaning.. I just take it apart and dump all parts in the MLT bottom when I'm pushing the cleaner through my pots.. I then recirculate the cleaner in the MLT for about 10mins.. comes out sparkling.. -gav
  5. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    First brew of the rig... Configured up my equipment within beersmith and knocked up a American Brown Ale Recipe tyle : American Brown Ale batch size : 23lt Ingredients: ------------ Amount Item Type % or IBU 4.80 kg Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 92.31 % 0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) Grain...
  6. gava

    Hose Clamps

    I got some thick walled tube and it just pushes over the tube and seals up, no need for anything to hold them to the barb.. (yet) -gav
  7. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Just finished my first brew on the rig, went ok... didn't account for MLT dead space correctly which threw off my mashing and missed some points but was still happy.. the following are the numbers for the heat exchange LID : ON Wort : 23lt Tap Full On.. 0 mins 95.6 c 1 mins 89.2 c 2 mins 77.6...
  8. gava

    3 vessel counter flow.. Idea for a water cooler

    over the top example :
  9. gava

    3 vessel counter flow.. Idea for a water cooler

    quick response.... You'll need it to go into some type of glycol or salt bath within the fridge through another heat exchange within that bath because air doesn't exchange well at all.. reread your post... ignore that please :) I'd really make sure your bath is big enough.. You could even have...
  10. gava

    cooling 100L of wort fast?

    **Warning** little foggy headed from beers lastnight hopefully makes sense With the immersion chilller I was doing up to 42lt batches, I can't remember the cooling time but it was pretty damn quick, when using the ice bath it was even better. The pitching temp I worked to was 18c~ for ales...
  11. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Yes I have, I have tested just with water 95c~ --> 30c~... was using my tank water on a 45c day so I didn't keep the numbers but it worked great (once i had the hose the right way hence putting those different cam locks on it) I'll be doing a brew tomorrow night hopefully so I'll keep some...
  12. gava

    cooling 100L of wort fast?

    OH, I like the idea of the chilled water in the HLT... same as my setup I might try that if I need it chilled quicker.. -gav
  13. gava

    cooling 100L of wort fast?

    My Personal experience.. I've used Immersion chiller, Plate chiller and home built counterflow chiller. Immersion Chiller Below is my first chiller I built which is a immersion chiller with a wirlpool return. This was built with 18m of 1/2" Copper and worked great! you do NEED a return when...
  14. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    With the early starts getting up with the kids I've been able to nut out a few things and get my rig to a working state. I've worked out all the info I need before a test brew so hopefully will get a brew on to it Friday night. Lastnight I finished off the hard plumbing of the hot water IN for...
  15. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Cheers mate, I think I'm going to just get some clipsal connections when I get some $$ back.. At the moment they're hardwired which isn't to much of a worry but I'd love to be able to take the pots off. I'm still a touch to short to get my finger tips down the bottom to clean them up (Yeah im a...
  16. gava

    My New Brewery Build (pics)

    Finally found some time on the weekend to mount my panel and get a wet test done. My budget has dried up so I had to relax on some features, Like nice looking labels for one.. just got a label maker and did some temp ones so I know what I'm switching. I've mounted my pumps and chiller with zip...
  17. gava

    Husky's New 3V Brewery

    Just notice you have Stainless Tubing to run your cables? Now thats just showing off :) Only thing that lets it down is the dual 2200watt kegking elements.. and THATS being picky.. makes my frame look like paper mache covered sh$t -Gav
  18. gava

    DIY Brew Control Panels and House Insurance

    what I got from this is...... If your in QLD suffer in your jocks.. Cheap/Risky (potentially deadly) Option : Connect it up see how you go, house burns down just hope you don't get a prick assessor. Legal/Expensive/safer Option : Get a fully qualified person to make it and certify it. *I...
  19. gava

    DIY Brew Control Panels and House Insurance

    oh wow, this still going... :)
  20. gava

    Husky's New 3V Brewery

    SOOO much stainless steel!!!! i want i want!!