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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbrewer76543

    Immersion Chiller

    Immersion air-wort-conditioner anyone? :ph34r:
  2. beerbrewer76543

    Biblical Scale Disaster

  3. beerbrewer76543

    RecipeDB - BullsHead Kolsch

    I see your hop addition was at 40mins... Did you get much flavour / aroma coming through? I love a nice crisp Kolsch! Prost! :beer:
  4. beerbrewer76543

    February It Is

    Sonofabitch regarding Jarrah Jacks!!! I thought the Tanglehead was still operating inside the White Star hotel... It was in September when I was there last...???
  5. beerbrewer76543

    My Email To Willow

    I emailed Willow a few months ago asking if they would like to do a run of 60L plastic conical fermenters... They never got back to me :(
  6. beerbrewer76543

    February It Is

    Heck no! I'm off on a road trip next week down south... There is the Tanglehead, Brews and Ales in Denmark, Parrah jacks, Moody Cow and maybe a few of the old faves Colonial, Cowaramup and Bootleg Oh, and I might have to visit the Sail and Anchor for their Febrewary beer festivities F*ck you...
  7. beerbrewer76543

    Drying With Dextrose

    Dextrose can help "dry out" a beer if you subsitute out some of the DME/LME/Grains and use dextrose in its place :beer: edit: When people say to add dex to help dry it out they would almost certainly mean to subsitute out some of the DME/LME/Grains and use dextrose in its place
  8. beerbrewer76543

    90 Min Mash.

    Were 2 buy k thnx
  9. beerbrewer76543

    90 Min Mash.

    It seems to make more sense to talk about efficiency into the kettle rather than fermenter as there are no losses into the kettle. That way you are measuring the true extract of sugar from the mash process and it is common across all systems
  10. beerbrewer76543

    Rims Or Herms

    This is what I am building... Must upload some pics!
  11. beerbrewer76543

    Keg Fermenter: Where To Buy A Kit

    Hey all, I'm looking for some advise on keg fermenter kits I'd like to know if something like this would work on an Aussie keg... Second hand kegs come up for sale now and then and I'd like to know what type of keg this may fit, or if there...
  12. beerbrewer76543

    Dry Versus Ferment Hopping

    5 pages of absoulte garbage Good experiment, shame about the **** fight
  13. beerbrewer76543

    Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

    Amsterdam Navigator, tried in Paris. Absolute garbage:
  14. beerbrewer76543

    Free Perth Bundaberg Ginger Beer Stubbies

    Hey all, I have 62 Bundaberg ginger beer stubby bottles sitting in my front yard in 2 milk crates up for grabs Collect any time, just PM me for the address Cheers
  15. beerbrewer76543

    How Does This Kolsch Recipe Look?

    The Kolsch in Cologne is nice and crisp, almost lager like with almost no hop character Good advice above, key points: Low IBUs; around 25 Single 60 minute hop addition Low FG: a step mash of 63 and 70*C will help Ferment cool: 14-16*C Enjoy :beer:
  16. beerbrewer76543

    How Malts Affect The Ageing Affect...

    My experience has also been improved balance from dark beers with several months aging I have a RIS in the fermenter at the moment and while the samples are tasty, it is sort of harsh... This seems to dissipate after a while in the bottle so next winter it should be a cracker of a beer! (Aging...
  17. beerbrewer76543

    Feral Hop Hog...available In Bottles

    YUM YUM YUM! I had a couple of pints of this at the Brass Monkey last week :icon_drool2:
  18. beerbrewer76543

    The Sail & Anchor Iron Brew Amateur Brewing Competition 2011

    Looks like I better finish my brew rig over christmas so I can use up the Willamette hops I just ordered for this comp :) I'm thinking of maybe entering two versions of this beer: a lighter, drier quaffer and a big, bold, winter beer Agreed that judging this one will be hard, it is going to be...
  19. beerbrewer76543

    Age Article On Sorachi Ace

    how exactly will it be a kolsch if it has a boat load of late hops? :rolleyes:
  20. beerbrewer76543

    Prices Slashed On Beer Styles!, And A Free Set Of Steak Knives&#33

    Can you add a new style for me: Imperial Black Belgian Pale Ale... :blink: